A Woman Is Like A Tea Bag: A Women’s Day Writing Contest For You

Participate in this contest run by Goodwyn Tea. Write your story based upon the cue given below, and win prizes.

Participate in this contest supported by Goodwyn Tea. Write your story based upon the cue given below, and win prizes.

There isn’t much, they say, that cannot be handled with a strong cup of tea at hand. A good cup of tea is a great way to de-stress, especially if that cuppa can be shared with good friends. For us women, that would, of course, be our women friends. Friends that are often the backbone for our strength.

Women have always had to be strong – strong enough for more than just themselves. For the very survival of the human race depended upon them.  But being a woman is not just about the propagation of humankind.

It is about the limitations put on her in a society which would rather she not step out of home, and if having a career, have one that takes the least away from her assigned role at home.

It is about standing up to everyone and their neighbour having an opinion about her life and her choices.

It is about becoming your own person despite everything – our wings often being clipped by society, and yet we continue to fly. Looking at an ordinary woman, you wouldn’t really know her strength.

Or paraphrasing a quote supposedly made by Eleanor Roosevelt, “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong she is until she’s in hot water.”

So send us your stories of strength – your story, a story of someone you know, a story about strength of a woman.

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6 winners will be chosen from among the entries, which will be published on Women’s Web.

All winners will get gift hampers from Goodwyn Tea. For tea bags are the next big thing!


The cue is the quote above – “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong she is until she’s in hot water.”

It could be in any format – a story/essay/article/poetry/personal account.

It should be under 2000 words.

It should reach us on [email protected] by Sunday the 20th of March 2016, by 3.00 p.m.

It should carry #TeaBagStrength Contest 2016 in the subject line.

So what are you waiting for? Put on your writer’s cap, and begin.

And if you’d like a fine cup of tea to fuel yourself, visit Goodwyn Tea for a taste of that perfect blend!

Image source: a freshly brewed cup of tea by Shutterstock.


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Women's Web

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