Dealing With A Serious Loss May Be Life’s Way Of Nudging Us On To The Road To Maturity

We need to realize it and move on - a person who might have meant the world to us and who we've lost touch with, might be a total stranger to us now.


We need to realize it and move on – a person who might have meant the world to us and who we’ve lost touch with, might be a total stranger to us now.

At some point of our life, all of us or most of us have had a friend or a relative, who has meant the world to us. So important to us that we think we may not be able to survive even a day in their absence. Life does make us believe in many illusions like this.

We might have lost someone to death, and we might still be dealing with the loss, and trying to fill the vacuum in our lives. We might also have lost someone to circumstances – this person may have moved out of our lives due to their own choice or we might have chosen to leave them or due to these circumstances.

Loss due to circumstance

Obviously, we would never have a chance to meet those people who have left this world. But, this cannot be said for those who have just chosen to walk away from us or whom we have chosen to ignore. After some time, if we get in touch with them, we realize that the person, around whom our life revolved, is a total stranger to us now. We don’t know any more if this person loves sunrises or sunsets, whether he is a beach person or a mountain person – so much so that we may not even know his favorite food now.

This is the same person whose likes and dislikes were often given more preference than our own. Meeting him was a daily ritual and hours would just go by in his presence. This is the same person who we thought was the most important person of our life, without whom life would be meaningless for us.

An illusion?

But, in reality, these are just the illusions of our life. Or may we call them lessons for maturity? In spite of thinking that we may not be able to pull on a day without them, we have actually survived the separation. Not only survived, have continued to live our life in probably the same way.

Nobody is indispensable

Despite what we believe, the fact remains that nobody in this world is indispensable and that we need to continue with our life in the same way, irrespective of the presence or absence of someone. The day we understand and realize this, is the day that we get mature enough to face the ups and downs of relationships.

Learning from our loss

Life and God have a strange way. They will make sure that we precisely do that one thing, which we thought would never be possible. In the process, we end up being stronger.

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We learn that getting attached to any person, place or thing is not wrong. After all, we are social animals. We may need people around us to laugh with, have fun with, to encourage us, just to hear us out and for several other reasons. As long as we know that there may come a time when we have to just let go and move on, we will be fine.

Let go

Let go of our love or attachment for that person, place or thing and move ahead in our life. This also does not mean that we have to be prepared for the worst, in our life always. We just need to be emotionally strong to be able to deal with such situations effectively.

We are enough for ourselves

The one thing that is always going to stay with us is our own self. We do not need another person or thing to love us and make us feel important. Each of God’s creation is important and that is good enough reason to love one’s self. We are worthy and we are enough.

Irrespective of anyone being there or not, we will still be there, till the time God decides otherwise. The choice is for us to either live in such a way that we can make a difference in someone’s life or to just move from one calendar date to another.

Let’s choose to live fully, with or without anyone by our side and make a difference. Not just wait.

Image source: butterfly sitting on girl’s hand by Shutterstock.


About the Author


A homemaker, a freelance writer who loves to travel and has a passion for reading. Firmly believe that we all are a means to a purpose and that we should do whatever we can to read more...

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