5 Important Life Lessons I Want My Sons To Imbibe For A Happy And Fulfilled Life

Life can be hard, but also very beautiful. Here is an open letter written by the writer to her sons, speaking of the 5 important life lessons that she wants them to imbibe for a happy and fulfilling life.

Life can be hard, but also very beautiful. Here is an open letter written by the writer to her sons, speaking of the 5 important life lessons that she wants them to imbibe for a happy and fulfilling life.

Dear S and G,

It is not often that mommy writes you a letter. Yeah, I know all about the lectures that I dole out generously to the both of you every single day! But today, I decided to actually pen down something for the two of you. You both know how proud I am of the fine young men that you are turning out to be. But today, I want to talk to you about some values that I hope I keep doing enough to impart to you. Somewhere in my heart, I feel that they will make you better human beings. I truly hope that these 5 values last you a lifetime:


S, you are a brilliant child, blessed with a curiosity and an intelligence that is a gift. You naturally love reading on a range of topics and show great inclination towards sciences and computers. G, the naughty one is oh so perceptive and a Math wiz! But at every single PTI, the one question that I always ask your teachers is whether you behave well. You remember I always tell you how humility makes success beautiful! I love it that both of you are not braggards and in-your-face nuisance brats who are wading their way to crush others in their paths as they wish to do things better. Remember, your success in life comes first and foremost from being good, humble people who are grounded and appreciative of all that you have the good fortune of having. Share knowledge happily, embrace your friends, and help others in whatever way you can. Remember this especially in times of rabid social media updates and when even the trivial is tom-tommed. Yes, humility is a quality I truly wish upon the two of you!

What destiny holds for you, you will get for certain!

But, being petty and loud will only make you obnoxious!


It does seem like an outdated value, S, especially when you read and hear about so much corruption in the news. But remember what we have read and discussed about the people who have really mattered – Gandhi, Mandela, Kalam, Dalai Lama and others! They pursued what they believed in with all honesty despite terrible circumstances where they had to pay dearly for their convictions. But, what is success and is there happiness, when you sell your soul to get money and fame? I really wish that the two of you will remain honest in all your endeavors with the true honesty of emotions and intent. That you will always follow the voice of decency and your conscience no matter how tough the road ahead seems.


In times of terrible strife and stress, of bad blood and competition, I hope you can look at things with a fun perspective. Yes, life can get tricky, sometimes sad and at other times very depressing, humor will help see you through such situations. Remember, use your wit and humor when confronted with terrible situations. Yes, it can be a very strong tool in your arsenal. Rage and anger eat you from within. Look at life from the prism of lightheartedness and humor, and the tough times become a wee bit easier to bear.

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Remember how important it is for us to eat the meals together with family. Also, always remember the importance of physical exercise and cooking and eating with love at home. S, you are already showing an inclination to learn cooking from me. I hope this interest flowers and makes you a person who actively eats and cooks nutritious meals at home. I also hope that both of you continue to play outdoors and put a lot of emphasis on your health. It will hold you in good stead as you grow older. Also remember about meditation and the power of forgiveness. No matter how much money you have, it is only in the pink of health that you can continue to live a meaningful life. My blessings that you have a healthy and secure future.

Capability to cope with failure

In today’s times, when competition is stiff, I truly hope that both of you know how to endure failure and emerge stronger. In life, there are circumstances that are not within our control. We fail. We lose battles. We face heartbreak, separation from dear ones, death and sadness. You will be repeatedly challenged with turmoil and failure. And I hope that you have the strength of character and the gumption to weather storms and emerge stronger. I wish upon you the power to cope with failure because, God knows, life is never fair and rarely rosy.

I really wish these 5 gifts upon you so that you can lead a life of wellbeing and substance. Always remember that your dad and I are behind the two of you in support and incredibly proud of you for being the people that you are.

With all my love,


Image source: woman with two children by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Rachna Parmar

Rachna Parmar is a Certified Nutritionist, cookbook writer, Editor and Health Coach. She is an enthusiastic cook, wife, fitness freak, Yoga enthusiast, and mother to two naughty sons and a Labrador. She counts reading, writing, read more...

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