Planning A Playdate: Here Are 15 Tips To A Hassle Free Playdate

If you are planning a playdate, here are 15 tips to make it easier for you and your child. Have a look, for a hassle free playdate.

Playdates are a fun way of making kids play together in an unstructured manner.  This not only allows your child to explore and socialize with other children but also helps the moms to come together and spend some quality time with fellow moms. Playdates are generally arranged by parents one at a time at their homes inviting the friends of their kid to play and have some fun time with them. If the weather is good play dates can also be arranged outdoors at a common place like a park.

There are various points to remember while arranging play dates for kids especially preschoolers. Here are a few tips for arranging hassle-free play dates:

  • The place where you are arranging the play date must be child-safe. Make sure there are no such items which may harm kids during the play.
  • The timing should be fixed in such a way that it doesn’t coincide with their nap time or feeding time.
  • Do not prolong it for a very long duration. Keep it short and sweet. Two hours maximum.
  • For Preschoolers, the lesser the numbers of kids the better. Minimum 2 and maximum 4 is ideal according to my experience.
  • Start the play date one on one for the first time, later you can increase the number of kids.
  • Make sure you fix certain days in a week for these play dates taking turns one after the other to host them at home. This will help them to follow a routine.
  • Arrange for kid-friendly snacks, make sure if the kids have any specific allergies.
  • Make sure you have enough toys to entertain them.
  • If two children want the same toy try to explain them about sharing.
  • Arrange for some interesting activities like coloring, play dough or motor activities.
  • Read them few stories if possible.
  • Make them sing the nursery rhymes. Kids love singing and dancing together with others.
  • Keep an eye on the kids activities, but make sure you give them their space.
  • As kids are unpredictable sometimes, play dates are pleasant ones but it can turn disastrous, so be prepared.
  • Follow the pattern of ‘clean up the toys’ by the kids. This will help them to be more responsible.

Based on my personal experience, the first few play dates are difficult as kids are hesitant to go to each others house. Even if they join the play dates, the first few dates they do not interact much with other kids and play solo. This is not a point of disinterest, it is called as a parallel play where kids play all alone. This will soon fade away once they get familiar with each other.

Cover image via Shutterstock


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Shilpa Arya

A busy homemaker trying to make the best use of gift called LIFE!! read more...

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