#MomsForABetterWorld: Mother’s Day Video Project

As mothers, we want a better future, and have a role in creating it too. Join the Women's Web #Momsforabetterworld video campaign!

As mothers, we want a better future, and have a role in creating it too. Join the Women’s Web #MomsForABetterWorld video campaign!

Want to a part of the first Women’s Web community-created video? Here’s your chance!

In a month’s time, we’ll have Mother’s Day (May 10th, 2015) coming by! It is a great day to tell our mothers how much they matter to us – but if you are a mom, how about taking the time to think about your own impact as a mom?

That’s what our #MomsForABetterWorld campaign is all about!


Your thoughts on making this world a better place, with your child.

Said or unsaid, seen or felt – children learn their lessons from us in ways we do not realize! For this Mother’s Day – take a short (up to 30 seconds) video of yourself – or have a friend take it while you speak. Share the one thing you would tell, show or teach your child to make this world a better place.

We will select the best snippets to feature in the very first Women’s Web video being created for Mother’s Day.

We will also be featuring some of the participating mums on Women’s Web to talk about an issue dear to their hearts.

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Join us and be a part of this beautiful project: Let us be the change we want to see in the world around us!

What can I talk about?

Deep inside we’ve all wished we could do something to make this a better world, haven’t we? We always talk about leaving a better tomorrow for our children, but it is our children who will create that tomorrow!

Talk about anything that matters to you, and that you would like to see in your child – it could be as small as obeying traffic rules to something as weighty as speaking up against injustice.

How to participate

2 simple steps:

  • Email us your video at [email protected] with the subject line ‘#MomsForABetterWorld’ (In your email, include your full name, or the name you would like us to use if we share your video)
  • You can also share the video on your Youtube account, Facebook, Twitter or other social media networks; don’t forget to use the #MomsForABetterWorld hashtag

A few points to remember:

  • Be candid. Talk about something that matters to you.
  • Shoot your video in landscape format, i.e. width larger than height.
  • Use mp4, mov or avi formats if you are shooting on a video camera.


Submit your #MomsForABetterWorld video before 27th April 28th April 9 AM IST (extended by a day!)

Project Sponsors

MR English logoThis video project is being enabled with the support of Mother’s Recipe, a brand owned & managed by Desai Brothers Limited, which represents the delicious union of authentic taste with rich tradition. Mother’s Recipe brings together eternal favorites from all over the country and promises a matching taste to your every mood. With ingredients of the highest quality, they pack a blend of Mother’s love & Grandmother’s tradition into each of their Pickles, Pastes, Ready-to-Cook Spice mixes, Papads and Ready-to-Eat foods for every homes’ delight!

Community Partners

Final yowoto Logoyowoto is India’s first community platform, by and for parents, to make raising kids easier. It is a soon-to-be mobile app to connect local moms, because it does take a village to raise a child.



  • No geographical restriction on participation – we welcome entries from around the world.
  • One 1 video per participant.
  • You can record the footage using your mobile phone, tablet, camera or video camera – no restriction on devices.
  • Videos must not have undergone significant digital manipulation.
  • All videos submitted for this campaign may be shared on our website or FB page, and we will select a few for including in the Women’s Web #MomsForABetterWorld video
  • Women’s Web may use submitted videos as part of a promotional campaign and users consent to the same with their participation.
  • Women’s Web reserves the right to ignore any entries that contain inappropriate or irrelevant content.
  • By participating in this contest, you certify that the submitted video belongs to you and does not violate any other party’s copyright.

Image via Shutterstock


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Women's Web

Women's Web is a vibrant community for Indian women, an authentic space for us to be ourselves and talk about all things that matter to us. Follow us via the read more...

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