Women’s Web: Pick Of The Week

This week's edition of the Women's Web picks (reads we liked) includes proud feminists and responsible parents. Happy reading!

Bleached privates, boycotted vamps, or combating paedophiles on the loose – this edition includes proud feminists and responsible parents.

When children grow up too soon.

“I laughed it off, I skillfully dodged sexual advances, I avoided working with the men who most aggressively pursued me. But the self-blame and doubt lingers.” On sexism in liberal environments.

Who needs a fairer vagina?

“People abstain from talking about power because it immediately conjures up images of a Lolita-like vixen, highly aware of her charms and willing to tempt, to use them.” – A highly evocative post on child sexual abuse and awareness.

“Feminism isn’t just about shouting slogans, burning bras or slut walks; it’s more about realizing for oneself the worth of a woman…” – That’s Bhavna making sense of feminism.

The Closet – Accepting gay rights.

“Why is a woman’s worth as a wife, defined by her ability to successfully run a house and taking care of the kids?… Why do we, as a society, portray extra marital relationships only in light of one woman stealing another woman’s man?”  – On gender bias in TV soap operas (Source: Bell Bajao)

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About the Author

Priya Mani

New mommy on the block. Bookworm, nature-lover and wayfarer in the suburbs of imagination. Fascinated by the power of the written word. And the workings of the human mind. read more...

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