Love Your Leisure: Poetry

The Women’s Web ‘Love Your Leisure’ series will consist of interviews with a few female bloggers with fascinating hobbies, who’ve enthusiastically developed and fine-tuned them – and what’s more, write about them for the benefit of the rest of us! We hope you enjoy reading more about these bloggers and their passions. Presented in a Q&A format, this one is with Poetry Enthusiast, Saru Singhal, who pens her poems over at Words.

Intro: Please tell us a little about yourself: 

I am a Practising Company Secretary, basically from Himachal Pradesh but brought up in Ambala and Chandigarh. I’m married to my schoolmate whom I met on a social networking site after 11 years. There are two things I totally love – writing and analysing the share market.

Q1. How did your interest in poetry come about and what sustains your interest? 

Since childhood, I have had a passion to read and write. I don’t really know how it happened…but I wrote my first poem ‘When You Came’ at the age of 15. Whenever I feel like writing, I just pen down whatever comes to my mind. I am passionate about writing poems. In poems you can say more by using few words. It gives me happiness and these days the feedback I get on my blog motivates me a lot.

Q2. What do you find most rewarding about writing poetry?

Well, penning down a poem is a very satisfying experience in itself. I’m extremely happy when I write a poem. And, when someone reads my poem and writes a comment, I feel blessed. Each comment is a reward.

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Q3. What kind of poetry do you enjoy reading and/or writing? Which is your all-time favourite poem?

I enjoy reading all kind of poems. A poem written by a 20-year-old has an element of youth in it and a poem written by 60-year-old has experience. Personally, I enjoy writing poems on relationships. My all time favourite poem is, ‘Don’t You Quit.’

Q4. What are the inspirations behind your poetry?

I get inspired by emotions; I observe people and situations and then weave a thought which leads to a poem.

Q5. Who is your favourite poet?

William Shakespeare.

Q6. Which are some favourite poetry blog posts of yours? Also what other related blogs/ sites do you enjoy or find useful?

My favourite from my blog posts are ‘Few Steps’ and ‘You Create Beauty’. I love every kind of poem. Some inspire, some are fun and in some, the thoughts are nicely worded.  I can’t name anyone in particular.

Q7. What do you envision for your poetry in the future? What do you aspire to do with your poetry?

I want to continue with my blog and plan to publish a story book in the form of poems. And, I hope, I get a publisher for that!

Q8. What tips would you give to beginners in poetry writing?

Have passion for writing, only then you will enjoy it and people will admire you. Also, be simple, don’t complicate the thoughts.

Previous Interviews With Hobby Bloggers:

Baking Enthusiast: Monika Manchanda

Gardening Enthusiast: Priyanka Goel

Wildlife Enthusiast: Radha Rangarajan

Needlecraft Enthusiast: Nima Titus


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