The Women Behind Women’s Web: Melanie Lobo

In a series of posts called ‘The Women Behind Women’s Web’, we present to you the people involved in bringing you this website – some who’ve been there from the very beginning, and some who joined in enthusiastically during the first year. Hope you enjoy reading more about the team that contributes to Women’s Web. Presented in a Q&A format, this one is with freelance writer, Melanie Lobo, who wrote the first ever article that was published on Women’s Web – on Working during your pregnancy.

Intro: Tell us about yourself in a few lines.

I’m a freelance writer and a full time wife and mum living in Pune. My husband and son keep me on my toes and inspire me with new writing material daily.

Q1. Why do you blog/write? What attracts you to it? 

I have always had a passion for writing and have been writing all through school and college as well. I gave up full-time work when my son was born. As he grew a little older, I took the opportunity to start writing again.

Q2. What do you like best about writing for Women’s Web? Of all the pieces you’ve written here, which is your favourite?  

I think what I like best about writing for Women’s Web is that the site covers issues that really affect Indian women.

I’ve enjoyed covering all the pieces I’ve written for Women’s Web so far. If I had to pick one, it would be the one on Child Sexual Abuse. It was an eye opener for me, as a mother, as well.

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Q3. What do you think Women’s Web can do better/do differently? 

I think Women’s Web is doing a great job – just keep up the good work, Aparna!

Q4. What are the things that trigger you to write, that make you go, “I have to write about this!”?

Anything that I feel strongly about and that should be brought to the attention of our readers makes me want to write about that particular issue.

Q5. Who are your favourite women writers/bloggers? What do you admire about them/their work?

My favourite bloggers would have to be the women behind The Mad Momma and Thinking Cramps. The Mad Momma brings out the normal everyday happenings in her life in such a wonderful way – you feel like you are present there with them. Thinking Cramps has an amazing style of writing which is simply beautiful. She can pick an everyday event and turn it into an extraordinary tale.

I don’t have any favourite women writers as such. I read many authors and enjoy the different styles of writing each one brings to her work.

Q6. What would you like to say to people who are interested in writing/blogging but are hesitant to start?  

Writing or blogging is a great way to express yourself. Just go with the flow – write one page to begin with. The rest will follow naturally. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained. 🙂

Previous interviews with the Women behind Women’s Web:

Blogger Hip Grandma

Freelance Writer and Blogger, Kiran Manral.

Founder-Editor of Women’s Web, Aparna V. Singh


About the Author


Women's Web is an alternative magazine covering real issues for real women. This blog handle usually includes posts about happenings at Women's Web, interesting contests/events, people working on the website and so read more...

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