Jimi Rani Duarah

Jimi Rani Duarah is an accidental writer who discovered their voice more through written words than spoken ones, a natural outcome of their introverted personality. A lawyer by profession, Jimi is currently working in the development sector, focusing on crucial issues and awareness related to gender and sexuality. Her work delves into the intricate intersections of these topics, including menstrual health and hygiene, sexual and reproductive health, and beyond. Through writing and advocacy, Jimi strives to create a more informed and equitable world, addressing some of the most pressing and often overlooked aspects of human well-being.

Voice of Jimi Rani Duarah

Why Do The Youth Today Glorify This Toxic Ideal Of The ‘Alpha Male’?

Isn't it enough of a problem that violence is increasing in society? Why must we idolise toxic masculinity by glorifying the alpha male?

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Redefining \"We Finally Made It\": The Never-Ending Quest for Life\'s Pinnacle (With special reference to Indian Society)
Redefining “We Finally Made It”: The Never-Ending Quest for Life’s Pinnacle (With special reference to Indian Society)

Marriage, often hailed as a joyous milestone in one’s life, is frequently celebrated as the ultimate accomplishment. Oh, yes, especially in India! Marriage for Indians is undoubtedly that “ultimate” goal of life, only to be followed by a long list of other “ultimate” goals subsequently. Ah, and how can it be called complete without displaying […]

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The Real Keemat Of Bollywood’s Ek Chutki Sindoor

Sindoor may be 'auspicious' in Indian society, but it does not empower women but contributes further to their oppression. Let's begin by blaming Bollywood.

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The Secret Lives Of Bisexual & Lesbian Women In India Trapped In Traditional Marriages

There is still little awareness of queer culture in India, so it isn't surprising that we have no idea of the many 'happily married' Indian wives who identify as queer, but have no option.

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