Resolution Story

As You Write It, is Women's Web's new space for us to feature interesting writing by our readers every month.

As You Write It, is Women’s Web’s new space for us to feature interesting writing by our readers every month.

For some time now, we’ve been receiving mails from enthusiastic readers, asking for a space to share their writing on Women’s Web. There is the Women’s Web blog of course, where we’re open to newer writers, but with this new space, ‘As You Write It‘, we’ll be putting out a new theme every month, and inviting writing from readers on that theme.

So, at the start of 2012, January’s theme is “Resolution Story”.

Tell us a Resolution Story – your story or that of someone you know or just a good one you heard. Of a resolution you made and kept – or didn’t. Of what resolutions mean to you – or don’t. Anything at all about Resolutions – funny, poignant, irreverent, sad, charming, thoughtful – all kinds of stories welcome.

Where to send: Send in your story to [email protected] with ‘Resolution Story’ in the subject line, and your story as a word/txt attachment. Do include the name we should use if we publish it, and a brief introduction to yourself (2-3 lines) in the mail.

By when: Please send in your stories by Jan 15th, i.e. this Sunday. The 5 best stories will be published on Women’s Web the following week, i.e. Jan 16th onwards.


– The material should be previously unpublished elsewhere. (Copyright stays with you and you’re free to subsequently publish it elsewhere).

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– Keep it between 250 and 600 words.

Pic credit: I love Memphis, used under a Creative Commons license


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Women's Web

Women's Web is a vibrant community for Indian women, an authentic space for us to be ourselves and talk about all things that matter to us. Follow us via the read more...

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