Modern Family: With Unmana

In this Modern Family podcast, 'Modern Family', Amrita Rajan and feminist blogger Unmana discuss money and the Indian marriage - what women want

On a brand new 20-min episode of Modern Family, we are joined by marketing professional Unmana of the blog Unmana’s Words.

The hardest part of any marriage can be money. Who earns it, how to manage it, where to spend it – it can create strong differences in the best of couples. And if it was hard back in the days of single-income families, then things have only become more complicated since it’s become acceptable for women to join the workforce.

Unmana discusses:

– The importance of communication in a relationship

– Why women need a “runaway fund”

– Maintaining separate finances – pros and cons

– The financial challenges of marrying young and

– The freedom of your own bank account

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Women's Web

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