A Morning In A Working Mom’s Life

She sighed and opened her phone to browse through the emails. "It’s going to be a hectic day today", she thought as saw her calendar packed till 7 pm.

It’s still dark when she opened her eyes that morning. “I’ll sleep for few more minutes”, she thought as she tossed in bed. Her eyes were burning. It was past midnight when she had finished her son’s school project the previous night.

Her alarm rang almost immediately. She quickly switched it off, making sure her husband wasn’t disturbed.

She dragged herself into the washroom and looked at the mirror. Her eyes were red, her face looked dull. “I must do something to my face”, she thought sadly.

As she came into the kitchen, she remembered that there was no more bread in the house; it had got over yesterday. She cursed herself for forgetting to bring a new one. Her son was a fussy eater.. so, she started thinking of options. He hates Idli, Upma etc, so she decided to make pancakes for him for breakfast. She added some ragi flour in the pancakes and packed a box. She put some extra butter and maple syrup, hoping her son would eat it off without noticing the ragi in those.

She started making parathas for lunch, adding extra paneer and vegetables as she was calculating the protein and the nutrients in those. To make it interesting, she added few crisps and quickly made a milk shake to go with it. She smiled, she was proud of herself.

For the snacks, she ran out of options. She decided to plead with her son to eat a banana today.

“I hope he eats the banana for snack”, she thought as she went to wake him up. She watched his sweet face as he was sleeping. She went closer and ran her hand through his hair, waking him up.

After lot of negotiations, she finally pulled him out of bed, got him ready and forced some milk down his throat. She packed his books, lunch, everything, checked him twice, kissed him many times and sent him off to school.

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As she came in, still thinking if she should have packed some extra fruits, if he had taken his homework along etc… she noticed that her husband had woke up. She quickly ran into the kitchen and made some coffee.

She brought them both two cups and sat along with him as he had his head buried in the newspaper.

She sighed and opened her phone to browse through the emails. “It’s going to be a hectic day today”, she thought as saw her calendar packed till 7 pm.

She quickly finished the coffee and went back to the kitchen to prepare lunch for them both. Her husband is an Idli and rice person, while her son is a bread and wheat one. Why does this dichotomy have to exist in my house, she sighed as she began to chop vegetables.

She had one hour to start for office, so she ran between the kitchen and the entire house, while getting ready simultaneously and she suddenly stopped.. looking horrified…

There it was staring in her face, the school project she completed last night. She forgot to give it to her son…

She sat down in the chair sadly… thinking of the huge traffic to school and back.. “Why I am so useless!”, she thought to herself angrily.

Image source: by halfpoint Free for Canva Pro

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