10 Timeless Pieces Of Feminist Writing Every Girl Should Read

From quick flicks to leisure reads, here are 10 timeless feminist writings that every girl should read to understand the feminist discourse

For ages, feminist writings have been banned, and feminists censored, primarily because these writings shed light on the pervasive issues of gender inequality and social discrimination. Often, they are tied to the challenge of existing power structures, societal norms, and deeply ingrained biases.

They explore the systemic barriers faced by women and marginalized genders, such as wage gaps, limited access to education, healthcare disparities, and violence against women. They challenge societal stereotypes and biases that perpetuate harmful and limiting ideas about gender roles and identities.

The writings offer critical perspectives that encourage questioning traditional norms and expectations placed on individuals based on their gender. Even online, the conversations are largely in women’s spaces, talking about what women can or should do differently, or what institutional changes need to be made so that women can work with enough flexibility to go home early to cook dinner for their husbands and children.

The answer seemed to always be: “Well, no one can have it all.

These writings question this very notional conclusion. If “having it all” means having a successful and fulfilling career while being an involved parent, plenty of men actually do have it all.

Feminist writings underscore the diverse experiences, mobilize empathy for the unique challenges faced by females, and amplify the voices, allowing readers to engage with diverse narratives and viewpoints.

In discussing the strategies for activism, they share stories of resilience and resistance that serve as a source of inspiration, providing ideas and motivation for taking action towards gender equality and social justice.

This will eventually aid in fostering a more informed, inclusive, and equitable world-view. It equips you with knowledge and insights that enable you to challenge the status quo, advocate for gender equality, and contribute to creating a more just and inclusive society for all.

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10 timeless pieces of feminist writing

From quick flicks to leisure reads, here are some timeless feminist writings that have had a significant impact on feminist discourse:

Why Feminism is Still Relevant by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Adichie’s written account explores the importance of feminism in contemporary society and the need to continue the fight for gender equality.

The Intersectionality of Feminism by Kimberlé Crenshaw

Crenshaw discusses the concept of intersectionality and how it is essential to consider the different experiences of women based on their race, class, and other social identities within feminist discourse.

The Importance of Male Allies in Feminism by Emma Watson

In her write-up, Watson highlights the significance of engaging men as allies in the feminist movement and how their involvement can contribute to dismantling patriarchal structures.

Reproductive Rights and Feminism by Michelle Oberman

Michelle in this column explores the intersection of reproductive rights and feminism, discussing issues such as access to contraception, abortion, and maternal healthcare.

The Wage Gap Myth: Debunking Gender Pay Disparity by Jessica McCrory Calarco

Calarco’s article examines the gender wage gap and challenges the common misconceptions surrounding this issue, providing evidence to debunk the notion that it is solely a result of gender discrimination.

Feminism and Body Positivity by Virgie Tovar

The article explores the relationship between feminism and body positivity, emphasizing the need to challenge beauty standards and promote self-acceptance for all body types.

The Role of Feminism in Addressing Violence Against Women by Jackson Katz

Katz delves into the connection between feminism and combating violence against women, highlighting the importance of addressing the root causes of gender-based violence.

Feminism and Media Representation by Anita Sarkeesian

Sarkeesian’s account discusses the portrayal of women in media and the ways in which feminist analysis can help critique and challenge harmful stereotypes and tropes.

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

This groundbreaking work, published in 1949, explores the concept of womanhood and the societal construction of gender, examining the ways in which women have been historically oppressed.

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

Published in 1963, Friedan’s book is often credited with sparking the second wave of feminism. It examines the dissatisfaction and lack of fulfilment experienced by many middle-class American women and critiques the societal expectations placed upon them.

It is time for you to read these timeless pieces and prompt discourses that dismantle patriarchal narratives, continue to shape feminist discourse, and inspire discussions on gender equity.

Recommended read:

Image source: CanvaPro

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About the Author

Trisha Shreyashi

Trisha is an Advocate & Columnist. She is also a member of the academia at Harvard Business Review and Cambridge University Press. read more...

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