The ‘Might Woman’ of the house can do everything, for everyone, all at once without complaining. Whether we admit it or not, we as mothers and wives make it a bit of a habit for people to be served. Nothing seems to be found till mom looks for it. Everything is out of place until the wife hands over the necessary items.
Women do not get proper sleep in their per diem lives, leave alone some lone time. Focusing on attending to the needs of others takes an effort which they keep on doing every day. Furthermore, the chores at home and work place makes it difficult to find some personal leisure break.
The morning flies by to get the children ready and make the breakfast. Then, the spouse needs to be sent for work with their healthy lunches. These monotonous routines are necessary to be completed as it is obligatory to feel that the members of the family need assistance.
Impossible seems the task of balancing between the frenetic timetable especially for women. However, an active mind will always help maintain a healthy body and agile life. We need to take few minutes just to reflect on our existence as individuals and treat ourselves with love.
In a struggle to look after the needs of those around us, we forget to take care of our own selves. Our needs are always kept secondary at home because we treat ourselves the same way. Always giving the last piece of cake to the children, cancelling plans with our friends as our better-half has an urgent gathering; or skipping the gym sessions as someone at home needs to be dropped at the airport, and the list goes on and on.
We are so engrossed in providing for others that we ignore our own needs. We affirm to show the people around us that they need not do anything till their female counterparts are available. We make them so dependent on us that they seem to believe that they cannot function without our presence. To an extent, this practise of always managing folks as kids is mainly our fault.
Be considerate towards your conscience and make a change. Take delight in picking up that book which was left half read. If listening to the radio feels like a therapy which seems to calm your senses, go ahead and do it for half an hour. A hot cup of coffee with an interesting book or good music with a little exercise will surely keep the mood pleasant. Remember, its never too late to take up a new hobby or learn something decently impressive.
Physically and mentally, we have given up on ourselves. We feel the necessity to be at places where others expect us to be. Rarely saying ‘no’ isn’t always nice. Moreover, the fear of being called selfish always hovers in our minds. We need to be shrewd from acting as though our personal space can be invaded. The significance of our emotions reflects on our children and the society.
Normalize being tired and displaying discomfort if required. It is totally alright to be exhausted and not wanting to take care of circumstances for a while. Spouses need to be reliable emotionally for a successful relationship. Children also should be acquainted with a person’s seclusion for the future. Love yourself first to be able to give away love to all without judgements. No one is perfect also, nobody should be under pressure to play by the rules always.


About the Author

Nikita Rego

She has done her Masters in Commerce from IGNOU. Writing to her is an activity which lets her share her thoughts and feelings to the world. She has been associated with writing since a tender read more...

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