Work as Self-Expression: Redefining the Meaning of Career

I recently started my career in the non-governmental organization (NGO) sector and had to find a place to live in Dehradun, where the office is located. Luckily, I found a room just 10 minutes away from my workplace. The landlords, a couple, were both professionals: he was a Chartered Accountant, and she, like me, had also completed a Bachelor of Laws degree (LL.B). I rented a room on the first floor, while they lived on the ground floor with their young child. They were kind and welcoming.

However, the day after I moved in, my landlord’s wife knocked on my door to check if I needed any help settling in. When I mentioned that I needed a table to study, she asked me why I wanted to study since I already had a job. I explained that I was preparing for the UGC-NET exam. Her response has been on my mind ever since: “You can have any job you want and study for whatever exam you want, but once you get married, you won’t be able to work because of the responsibilities that come with marriage.” This comment made me think about my future and the role marriage would play in it.

At the time of the conversation, I didn’t know how to respond, so I simply changed the topic. After she left, I didn’t think much of it since I had chores to attend to. However, her words have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. Will marriage really take away the work that I love? Am I the kind of person who can be satisfied without working from an office? Will getting married mean sacrificing my individuality?

These questions have been plaguing me for days. I am a strong believer in gender equality and women’s empowerment. I have always been passionate about my career and have worked hard to get to where I am today. I don’t want to give up on my dreams or sacrifice my identity just because I get married. It’s a delicate balance, and I’m not sure how to navigate it yet.

As I’ve reflected on my landlord’s wife’s comment, I’ve realized that my understanding of work was limited. Previously, I thought of work only in terms of going to the office and sitting at my desk. But now, I see work as something that allows me to express myself, voice my opinions, and contribute to society. It gives me a sense of purpose and validates my beliefs.

So, while I may choose not to work in the traditional sense, I will never stop working as I understand it now. I will continue to voice my opinions and contribute to society in any way I can. I believe my landlord’s wife’s concern wasn’t about me, but rather reflected her own priorities and choices. If she chooses to prioritize her family over her career, that’s her choice, and I respect that. However, my priorities and desires are different.

I know that I want to work and pursue my goals, not just because I have to but because I want to. Even if I get married, I will not let it define me or limit my potential. Thanks to technology and globalization, I can work from anywhere and continue to contribute to society. My desire to express myself and make a difference will always be a driving force in my life.


About the Author

Ekta Sati

I am Ekta Sati, born & brought up in a very peaceful and beautiful city, Rishikesh. I am an admirer of nature and loves to spend my time on the riverside and in the forests. read more...

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