7 Types Of Stress Management Techniques For Women

7 Types of stress management techniques: did you know that several studies indicate that women are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety than men?

[ Stress can happen because of various factors in our lives, we have put together a list of stress management techniques.]

We all experience stress at some point or the other in our lives. Women experience a lot of pressure, considering the balancing act they have to do daily. Juggling work, home, kids and more, eventually takes a toll. Even I went through a phase when I was going through a lot of stress.

With my husband posted in a remote location, I was grappling with the numerous responsibilities that fell upon me suddenly. With my son down with a fever, meeting work deadlines, cooking three meals, and organizing the house, I was mentally and physically exhausted. However, with some types of stress management techniques, I was able to deal with my stress effectively.

Read on to learn about them.

Why do women need types of stress management techniques?

Did you know that several studies indicate that women are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety than men? Women also experience more physical and emotional symptoms of stress than their male counterparts.

Ways in which stress can affect women

    • Cardiovascular

Experiencing high-stress levels over time can result in high blood pressure or an increased heart rate, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

A woman’s cardiovascular health also depends on whether she is premenopausal or postmenopausal. Lower estrogen levels in postmenopausal women put them at greater risk for stress in their hearts.

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    • Gastrointestinal

Stress can affect communication between the brain and the gut. It can affect different parts of the gastrointestinal system like the oesophagus, stomach and bowels, triggering bloating, pain gas and other symptoms.

    • Fertility and hormones

Some studies suggest severe stress can affect menstrual health & fertility, cause hormonal changes, and lower sex drive. It can also increase the severity of symptoms associated with a menstruation like pain, cramps, discomfort, mood swings etc.

    • Weight

Stress can lower energy levels, thereby making you less active. It can also slow metabolism and increase fat storage in the abdomen. High cortisol levels can result in increased appetite, making one reach out for high-calorie comfort foods.

It’s best to try types of stress management techniques to prevent stress from adversely impacting your physical and mental well-being.

Types of stress management techniques

  • Take care of your body

Women often spend time taking care of the health of their husbands, children, and elders in the family and end up neglecting their own health.

Taking charge of your body and health is a great way to help eliminate stress. I make sure to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, and I do it not only to stay fit, but it also works as a great mood uplifter.

Exercise releases endorphins, basically feel-good chemicals released by the body that make you feel happy. While some find running a stress buster, some opt for yoga to calm their nerves. I personally do weight training to work up a sweat and give a boost to my mood.

  • Identify the cause of stress

Putting the finger on exactly what is causing you to stress is crucial in helping you manage your stress more effectively. There may be more than one reason that is contributing to your stress.

It could be long working hours, leading to all your household work piling up. It could also be that you and your spouse are arguing more than usual, creating an unpleasant atmosphere at home.

Whatever it may be, identifying the root cause of your stress will help you address it accordingly and thereby reduce your stress. For example, if your long working hours are messing up your life, you can talk to your boss and adjust your schedule.

If you and your partner have issues, choose a time to sit down and talk things out, or even opt for counselling sessions if you cannot resolve them yourself.

  • Let your muscles relax

Sometimes all you need is a pampering session of your body on the outside to feel all the stress within you melt away. Some ways in which I indulge myself are by lighting some aromatic candles and having a leisurely hot water bath, treating myself to a massage or just sleeping.

These are great ways to get those tense muscles to relax and relieve stress.

  • Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing is known to be a very effective type of stress management technique. It can do wonders to bring down stress and anxiety.

The best part is that it this technique is easy to implement. All you have to do is sit comfortably and count to five as you breathe in, allowing the air to fill your chest. Then count to five and breathe out in one long breath.

  • Try therapy

Sometimes all we crave is for someone to give us a patient hearing when stressed out. While talking it out with friends can be helpful, you can also think of talking to a professional or therapist.

Therapy is excellent as it provides a space for letting out what’s troubling you. You need not hesitate with a therapist and can easily discuss all your problems.

Your therapist may suggest some other suitable stress management techniques to help you manage your stress effectively.

  • Steer clear from unhealthy eating habits

Reaching out for a doughnut or some other kind of junk food is tempting in times of stress. You may also resort to smoking or alcohol to deal with stress.

Your poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle could aggravate your anxiety. Ensure you don’t skip your meals. Incorporate plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and eat balanced meals.

  • Practice Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to manage your stress. Practising affirmations can help develop a positive style of self-talk and build a habit of positive thinking in your everyday activities.

This type of affirmation can be said by speaking to yourself in the mirror.

Journaling your own thoughts can also be an excellent self-discovery tool and help you focus on being more optimistic. Affirmations are a great practice for self-love and can help boost your confidence.

Bottom line

Keeping away from excessive screen time, finding a new hobby, or even taking a holiday are other ways to help you unwind and relax. By using the above-mentioned types of stress management techniques, you can not only manage your stress better, but also live a more fulfilling life.

However, do not use these tips as an alternative to professional advice or treating other mental health conditions like depression.

Image source: Fokusiert and Amazingmikeal, via Getty Images, free on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Anjali Paul

I am a mom who works from home and dabbles with writing when time permits.An avid reader since childhood, blogging and writing helps me de-stress.My five year old keeps me on my read more...

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