How Exploitation, Colourism, Harassment and Abuse Have Hurt My Career!

I was given a paltry sum as a raise for my long hours of work. I was really demoralized and quit my job for a better paying job. It was like jumping from a melting pot to a burning cauldron.


I write this article from my experience of working in 4 different US origin MNCs in India for 6 years, after which I was finally forced to quit my job.

I returned to India from the US after my graduation, 9 years ago.

Furthermore, I worked for 6 years in US based MNCs in India, where I was subjected to demeaning and degrading treatment by my male colleagues and managers.

Insecure men and unhelpful managers just wanted to exploit

Now it looks like they just wanted to exploit me and humiliate me because the men around me felt insecure of my qualification.

I was given a paltry sum as a raise for my long hours of work. I was really demoralized and quit my job for a better paying job. It was like jumping from a melting pot to a burning cauldron.

I have made some wrong choices in life due to lack of experience and lack of guidance. I don’t regret it because it has made me more wise. There is a Chinese saying which says, “If you haven’t been fooled, you cannot become an expert.”

I was further tortured and abused by my male colleagues and managers in my second job for 1 whole year before I was literally fired. How Indian men degrade and underestimate a woman of her abilities.

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Working Indian men love to degrade a woman of abilities

I found my next programming job with another MNC, where the HR tormented me and the Indian management tried to get me married off.

I was finally forced to resign from that job as well. Then I was hired at the next MNC by a fair skinned woman who promised to make me a manager. After I got into the job, I realized the true intentions of the management.

All the time, the managers would belittle me and the men would ridicule me all through the 10 months of my tenure. I was bullied by the 3 managers, where one of them asked me to do muscle-building push-ups on the cafeteria floor in front of 10 men.

I was gaslighted into believing that I was a guy. The company transport was withdrawn, and I was forced to commute in buses. The female manager tried to control and manipulate me.

She was so jealous and insecure that she would always belittle me. I was helpless. She used to spread gossip about other women in the workplace and play dirty politics. She was hailed as a good leader by the American VP.

They tried to extract money from me by blackmailing me for dowry. My female manager sexually harassed me by demanding my attention to her male colleague.

Some of the American women who visited the India offices would degrade Indian women by trying to brainwash them by saying, “My husband built me a house. Prove to my husband that I can fix a gas stove”.

These American women who visited the India office were so vindictive and jealous and would ask,”What fun things are going in Bangalore?” I was shabbily treated and dumped. My female manager kicked me in the face for speaking up.

The HR manager told me that I had behavioural problems. The woman manager and the Karnataka government was criminally intimidating me and tried to force me out of my home in Bangalore.

How can a woman break another woman’s home?

My female manager left me helpless, and she mentally tortured me and left me in a vegetative state without a job and financial assistance. None wanted to speak up against her for her bullying behaviour.

I really do hope that karma gets her someday. My parents took care of me for 6 years and supported me financially and nurtured me back to health.

These Americans have no respect for brown skinned Indian women in corporate MNCs. They treat us shabbily and like slaves.

They have an air of superiority of being white and the most advanced country in the world. Be it in America or India, brown skinned women are always treated like slaves, irrespective of how much educated you are.

These US based Indian managers and the India management are hypercritical of women working under them. While their own spouses are half as accomplished from NIITs.

They exploit and harass foreign qualified women for their sophisticated white wives who are B.Sc. graduates and/or from NIITs.  Their attitudes and double standards stink to the core.

Image Source: A and N Photography, free on CanvaPro

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I am just another software professional not by choice but by circumstances and necessity, passionate about travel and exploring new destinations be it mountains or beaches or deserts, forests or ancient temples, hillstations or quaint read more...

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