4 Coping Tips For Newbie Moms

Are you a new mother? Fret not, follow these four tips to make your lives a bit easier.

In the days following my elder son’s birth, I was a frazzled, sleep-deprived mom, desperately struggling to take care of a newborn. It took me months to adjust to my new lifestyle and to the little person responsible for it.

Three years later, I thought I had figured it out. Banking on my experience, I dealt with my next pregnancy with great confidence. But it was not the same this time. My second son presented different challenges and a whole new learning experience. It made me realize that every newborn is a mystery!

Regardless of how many children you have, you cannot predict how a new baby will be or the challenges they will present. It can be overwhelming to keep up with their needs and get your life on track as you navigate this phase. Nevertheless, there are some things that made a big difference when I became a parent for the second time. It made a drastic difference in my journey, and I share it with the hope that it will help you too.

Plan Your Schedule Around Your Baby

The first few days after birth are the toughest because you cannot predict when your baby will sleep, eat, or poop. My experience has taught me that it is better to ease the baby into a routine than enforcing it on them.

In the initial days, let them eat on demand and sleep when they choose. By the time your baby is two weeks old, you should be able to predict their sleep and feeding patterns. Once you have a better understanding of your baby’s sleep and food timings, make small changes each day to ease them into your preferred schedule.

Simplify Your Daily Routine

A little advance planning and organizing will make things a lot easier when the baby arrives. Stock your pantry with easy-to-cook ingredients. Note down easy but nutritious recipes. One-pot recipes were a life-saver for me. Plan a weekly menu and laundry schedule, and start practicing it. Simplify your routine ahead of time, and you will have more time to dedicate to your newborn. It will also help you get the rest you need as a new mom.

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Choose Simple, Uncomplicated Clothes And Toys

When you are a new mother, time is a luxury. Keep this in mind when choosing clothes, bed linen, and toys. Avoid baby clothes that are too complicated to put on, clean, or dry. Choose simple clothes without too many buttons, clasps, or hooks, that you can put on your baby without disturbing them. Buy no more than what is required as it will clutter up and add to your workload.

Accept Help And Support

Dealing with a newborn is exhausting, especially in the first few weeks. While attending to their needs and dealing with visitors, you will hardly have any time for yourself. However, your body deserves rest to recuperate from the delivery. So, this is a good time to hire help or accept any support your family and friends offer. Delegate any tasks that you do not have to oversee. Prioritize your health and find time to rest and bounce back to health.

Respect Your Limits

Parenting is tough because there is no rulebook and every family’s journey is different. Don’t stress too much by setting unrealistic goals or comparing yourself with other moms. Treat each challenge as a learning experience and you will get better. Most importantly, never feel guilty about putting your needs first. Find time to exercise and eat well. Remember, you need the energy to look after your baby and enjoy your long journey as a mother!

Image credits Oleg Sergeichik on Unsplash

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About the Author

Sapna Jayaram

Always on the lookout for new things to learn, I am a voracious reader, globetrotter, ambitious cook and mom to two precious little men. While I'm not experimenting in the kitchen or resolving sibling read more...

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