Can We Live Without This Human Touch?

We hug tightly as we meet people in person after years… literally speaking. There’s so much to catch up on... Yes, we’ve missed this!

It is a gloomy, rain-drenched evening. Cooped indoors the kids and I try to find ways to keep ourselves occupied.

“Mamma, do you want to play a new game?” quips my little daughter. Before I can reply she’s up on her feet with arms outstretched and instructs me and her brother to follow suit. We do so. Clapping her hands and alternatingly touching our outstretched palms she begins to sing- “Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?”

With a delighted shriek, I chip in, “NO ONE TOOK THE COOKIE FROM THE COOKIE JAR!”

They look astonished as I keep on singing and we have a hearty time clapping hands and playing my favorite childhood game.

A thought creeps into my mind and I shout, “Who taught you this game? Who were you playing with? Did all those girls wash their hands before they played the game?”

The poor kids look bewildered.

“Is mom having mood swings?” They wonder as they exchange queer looks. I’m not going berserk. It’s the coronavirus scare that persists. The best game ever now seems dangerous. It is a close contact game that doesn’t follow the norms of social distancing! Imagine that!

We are limping back to normalcy with the pandemic threat persisting. Masks, sanitizers, and frequent hand washing has become imbibed into our daily routine. Schools have reopened and the kids are back to school!

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Yippee! I’m like all my fellow moms- ecstatic! We neatly make our children wear their masks, label the extra mask, and put it into their bag. Each is doing her part perfectly- desperate that the child should reach school safely and be away! For a couple of hours at least!

So also, our social lives are getting back to normal. The gleam and excitement in our eyes are unbelievable as we greet friends and family. We hug tightly as we meet people in person after years… literally speaking. There’s so much to catch up on, so much to share, and more to recall. I had never imagined that I’d see tears streaming down the eyes of friends who used to be inseparable. The pandemic forced them apart and their reunion is worth a watch. Grandparents struggle to reconnect with their grandkids who’ve suddenly Grown Up within these years.

Despite the virus, the world moved on. We worked from home, attended online school and tutorials. Virtual seminars, Zoom Kitty Parties, Online Satsangs, and Funeral Prayer Meets became the norm. Young and old… Everyone was connected. Yet, a void lingered.

The OTT platform brought entertainment at our fingertips and no one complained. However, as we return to multiplex cinemas we realize that this is where the magic of the movies lives. Passing the popcorn carton we look at each other. Yes, we’ve missed this!

Our future is bright. We know we have the technology to overcome any challenge that might befall. Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Space Tourism, and Flying Cars. All that was once Science Fiction is now a reality. The generations will flourish, virus and all. The one thing that we need most of all without which it all seems worthless- Is the very basic and self-healing-The Human Touch.

Image Source: VikramRaghuvanshi from Getty Images Signature, Canva Pro

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About the Author

Meeta Chablani

Hi! I'm Meeta Chablanii- an animator, illustrator a freelance fashion designer and a full time mom to two little brats. My journey of bringing them up forms the backdrop of most of my posts. read more...

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