Time Flies, My 6 Month Old Baby Is Now A 10 Year Old Big Boy!

The 10 year old was excited that he was elected as assistant school leader yesterday, it is about popularity, responsibility and hard-work.

Abraham was chattering nonstop about how he was elected as the assistant school leader yesterday.

He was worried a little, as according to the pearls of wisdom shared by his experienced seniors, this meant giving speeches, having impeccable handwriting, error free writing in Hindi, English and Malayalam with good scores to boot. He had to lead the school by example falling short of which he would be replaced.

I wistfully listened to his big boy banter wondering if I had enough memories of him as a baby.

The newly elected assistant school leader!

Today is a busy Tuesday. Everyone except him is powering through the activities fundamental to starting the day. His tea is getting cold and I ask Manna to ring the bell to the boys room ( my alternative to screaming the house down to get things done.)

The newly elected assistant school leader comes down to the kitchen and I remind him that it’s after 8 and he is the only one who has overslept. He indignantly replies,” But Mamma, I was late because I got entangled in the blanket.”

All is not lost, I think to myself as I go about the rest of my day

My mind travelled back to 2009 when I had returned home from Dubai to reunite with my family. I couldn’t wait to see my boys especially Abraham who I had left behind when he was only 6 months old. I arrived home from the airport in the wee hours and tiptoed quietly into my parent’s bedroom. I see a slight movement under a fluffy pink blanket on the bed. A form is slowly rising on all fours under the blanket and out pops the cutest sleepy head with tousled hair.

“Awww, cutie pie!” I run my hand through my son’s hair when he has settled down to drink his tea.

#mammasboy #mybaby.

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Image Source: Still from the movie Mimi


About the Author

Nija Susan Abraham

A mother of three, guilty of being outspoken and a no nonsense person. read more...

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