I am A Warzone!

A beautiful poem full of intense emotions! 'I am a warzone/My people are hungry/My animals are just a bag of bone/The stray dog never knows why today/No leftovers are thrown.'

I am a warzone
I became one, for a ruthless tyrant
Got irked by another
Now my sons and daughters pursuing college
Cannot walk any further

The infant yowls and yowls for milk
His mother has none to spare
If they, patrolling on the streets, hear
They’ll snatch and hide him somewhere
Like they did to the neighbour’s kid yesterday
I can see the parents beseechingly pray

The young man desperately begs
His master to give him some chore
He says, I’ll clean your house, mow your lawn
or clean your floor
I beg you to give me my pay
So my family will live another day

I am a warzone
Rich condescending megalomaniacs
Fight for control over me
I’m only scared,
Look at how they ravaged their territory

I am a warzone
My people are hungry
My animals are just a bag of bone
The stray dog never knows why today
No leftovers are thrown

The fish and birds and cats
And all the life in the forests
The plants and trees and butterflies
Don’t know where their future rests

My future a question
My present an elegy
I am a warzone
I don’t know how long I’ll be.

Image source: A still from Angry Indian Goddesses

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