How To Prepare Yourself For A Life Post Covid-19

All are hoping to be vaccinated by the mid of this year and hopefully 2021 will mark an end to the Pandemic.

All are hoping to be vaccinated by the mid of this year and hopefully 2021 will mark an end to the Pandemic.

The whole world was awaiting for the year 2021 with the hope to say ‘Good Bye’ to Covid-19. But it is still around us.The daily count has minimized but the world is still not corona free.

Vaccination process has been kicked off since 16th Jan and will be done on a phase wise basis.

All are hoping to be vaccinated by the mid of this year and hopefully 2021 will mark an end to the Pandemic.

The pandemic has hit the mankind hard. Loss of life, jobs and businesses. The whole world has been torn apart. There are numerous uncertainties around us. Our lives and the world around us has changed in the last one year and we still need to be alert and take the precautionary measures.

How will the life be post Covid-19  and what are the ways in which we need to be prepared?

Here are some pointers to help you out:

1) Mask and Sanitizer have to become a part of our daily routine. Wearing mask in public places and usage of sanitizers will be the key ingredients of our life for some more time. Stay Safe.

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2) Learn and grow – We all have learnt a lot in the past one year. Tried new recipes, yogasanas and many more activities to keep ourselves engaged. Learning is an ongoing process, so we have to keep learning and enhancing our skills in different areas.

3) Save and make investments for future – Investment is essential for each one of us.We cannot predict the future so we need to prepare ourselves for it.

Plan the expenses, save regularly and invest in some good schemes to avail the benefits in future.

4) Limit the expenses – The lock down has taught us that we can live with just the basic necessities. The comfort and luxuries can be minimized to a large extent. In the past one year when we did not have any option to spend the extra pennies, we clearly learned how to distinguish between the necessities and luxuries.

5) Health is Wealth – As we know ‘health is wealth’. Eat Healthy and take a nourished diet. Opt for a health insurance for yourself and your family members if you do not have one.

6)Loss is inevitable – Many of us has faced great losses this year in terms if job or a beloved one. Loss is inevitable but one has to move on with life with a positive attitude.

7) Time for Family – We all have realised that family time is the best time. Spend more time with those whom you love and care for you.

8) Equal distribution of domestic work for all members – Whether the wife is working or home maker, all family members participate equally in the  domestic responsibilities. After all ‘Ghar toh sabka hota’.

With the vaccinations being given extensively, we might be at a lower risk of being infected. But the precautionary measures need to be practiced at all times.

Image source: pixabay

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