An Open Letter To My In-laws: You’re The Reason There’s NO Connection Between My Husband And Me!

Our relationship is hanging by a thread, because of a million misunderstandings between us, that can be cleared, only if you give us the chance to speak in private.

Our relationship is hanging by a thread, because of a million misunderstandings between us, that can be cleared, only if you give us the chance to speak in private.

Dear in-laws,

This is your daughter-in-law. The one you were supposed to consider as your daughter, claim to consider as one, but don’t really. This is me, a person, although you fail to see me as that.

I’m not a competition to your family. I’m just a girl in love with your son — isn’t that what you wanted? Or did you only wish for a maid and bed partner for him, and a womb to carry your family name forward?

Where is the glory in claiming that your son still wants to spend all his time with you?

Your son is so afraid of what you will think that he sits and talks with you until past midnight, until his eyes are heavy, and you are convinced that he can’t stay awake for a minute more, before coming to the room to spend time with me.

There is almost no communication between us. When everything from shopping to going to the nearest theatre is a family affair, how do you expect us to have time for each other? By the time you let us sleep, we are beyond exhausted.

Is this the kind of relationship that you envisioned for your beloved son?

In the face of the odd chance that we do get to do something together, as a couple — be it going for a movie or even going to a tourist spot; you want to go there with him the next week.

Your son — the person you love the most , is trying to balance his life between you and me. Our relationship is hanging by a thread, because of a million misunderstandings between us, that can be cleared, only if you give us the chance to speak in private.

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You consider my parents to be below you

Every time I want to go home, there is a ‘why’ that comes from your end. If I want to stay for a few days, there’s still a ‘why’. You can’t even digest the fact that your son has a girl in his life, inspite of him giving you all his time. How do you think my parents feel, looking at my empty room, knowing full well that I’m not getting the care or time with my husband as I should be?

You can’t bear to listen to one rude comment from your son, but when he insults my parents in front of you, you stay quiet. The air you breathe reeks of hypocrisy.

Dear parents of the man I love, I’m sticking on to this because I love your son. But I’m loosing respect for you with each passing day. We are trying very hard to keep our relationship from meeting it’s end. We are emotionally disturbed. You are one of the reasons why. I cannot become his father or mother, just like you cannot become his wife. You are irreplaceable. So am I. Please do not make him choose.

Image source: a still from the series Agga Bai Sasu Bai

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