5 Ways We Can Still Fix A Broken World

Let’s ensure that the generations after us live a happier story right from the very beginning, and do not have to carry the burden of our sins.

Let’s ensure that the generations after us live a happier story right from the very beginning, and do not have to carry the burden of our sins.

We are all aware of what is happening in the world today. And I can say without doubt, we are not too proud of it.

After much contemplation, cribbing, and ranting, I have finally come to accept that the answer to all our troubles does not lie in looking back at the past and trying to correct it. (Because it may be too late to change the narrative of our lives, too much damage has been done for that already)

Instead, it lies in ensuring that our mistakes aren’t repeated. That out faulty mentality and biases do not form part of the legacy that we are handing over to our children. That they turn out better than we turned out to be.

Here are five ways we can help the children we birth/raise/know grow up into better human beings –

Build their trust

When a child smiles at you, smile back. No matter how your day is going. Maybe you are running late for work, or have missed the bus, or your boss is mad at you for submitting a work file too late. Maybe you have flunked a test, or have just broken up with the love of your life. But if a child smiles at you, smile. Children are innocent and often see the world as a compassionate place where what you give is what you get. Do not let them down. Let them believe that kindness exists. Do not shatter their expectations. Let them grow up knowing that the easiest way to make a friend is to smile.

Introduce them to the magic of reading

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Read out a story to a child, preferably one every week, with full animated gestures and give flight to their imagination. Introduce children to the art of reading and story telling. You can read out to an adult too if you like. You’d be surprised how much they enjoy it.

Teach them the importance of art

Contribute to the world of art. Even the smallest of contributions make a huge difference—-Spend time sketching. Do a doodle. Paint a picture. Write a poem. Make your own music. Spin a story. Even if you don’t have an audience, create.  For yourself. And for your kid who is constantly watching and emulating you.

Break a taboo

This is a social change you can start at home. We have age old customs around everything. Replace them with stories of feminism and gender equality. Speak to your children openly on topics of menstruation and sex. Buy them games and clothes that are gender neutral. Hand then equal responsibility when it comes to household chores. We have enough male chauvinists in our patriarchal society. Make sure you are not raising one.

Tell them it is fine

That it is fine to lose a game, fail a test, or make mistakes…if it ends up teaching you something in return. Teach them it is fine to feel different from the rest of the world as long as they lend a patient ear to those who ‘feel’ different too. Teach them that the color of your skin, the labels on your clothes, the money in your wallet, does not matter. What matters is the strength of your character the fact that we all need the same things to keep us alive; blood in our veins, air in our lungs, and compassion in our heart.

Old men can make war. But it is only children who will make history.”– Ray Meritt

Let’s ensure that the generations after us live a happier story right from the very beginning, and do not have to carry the burden of our sins.

What a wonderful little chance to rewrite history—-of course, you do not necessarily have to birth a child in order to raise it right.

The best teachers have embraced the onus of raising children…a responsibility that is sometimes tougher to handle than that of a parent.

Children are like water, taking up any color you mix in them. A child can be encouraged with as little as an uplifting word or an act of kindness. Make sure you mix the right colors. Say the right words. Be kind and considerate in your behavior.

Remember, the ‘future’ is constantly watching you! 

Image source: Unsplash


About the Author

Priyanka Naik

A doctor and writer bundled up as one, Priyanka lives and loves to challenge the mentality of societal stereotypes. She is currently working on her second novel. read more...

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