Violence Free Society

Women and society have to join their hands together in this initiative so that our future generations life will be violence free. They can live freely without any fear.

Women and society have to join their hands together in this initiative so that our future generations life will be violence free. They can live freely without any fear.

I was numb by reading an article which stated that man had beaten women enough to break her spine when she kept winning a online ludo game. I mean it’s just a game. What kind of society are we living in and what to expect from these type of men. Do we really consider them as a men or as a human being? On one hand women are worshiped as Devi(goddess) in temple & in home they are beaten or treated as housemaid no actually more worse then that.

Dear Society

Dear Society, While giving emotional dialogues and convincing us to get married then you always say that they will support you, will give you equal respect and blah.. blah…blah…( no offense some people might be very lucky they do get those type of supportive men) but do you really think that’s true. its always women who have to compromise with her carrier, education and sometimes even have to be a victim of physical and sexual violence in order to save marriage or whatsoever is the reason.Just raise your voice against violence do not fear about what others say. I would like to ask you(to those who constantly say they you are a girl you have to compromise a bit,be little bit flexible?) why always women and where it is written that it should always be a women? why always women have to prove that they are better then man in every field, and if they are far much better than men then physical torture, anger and so many other things they have to face. why so?

Create A Violence Free Society

Just wishing women on women’s day or just speaking publicly about women’s right or putting a board of no physical or sexual violence in office wont be effective.It’s high time that we should start teaching our son to respect girls, teach them that women are your healthy competitor just like your male friends & they should be given equal right and respect in society and family so that in a future we may have a society which respects and provide equal opportunity to women or in short we may have a society free of women violence.But for this change in the system women have to play a vital role in teaching their child. Women and society have to join their hands together in this initiative so that our future generations life will be violence free. They can live freely without any fear. And as said nothing is impossible and well stated by unknown writer when women support each other incredible things happen, so we should support each other in creating a violence free society.

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