To All Mothers, Learn from Supreme Mother Nature; Reclaim Your Place

If our Mother Nature, even after so many years of serious damage can try and really reclaim her place, why can’t I, why can’t all the mothers out there.

If our Mother Nature, even after so many years of serious damage can try and really reclaim her place, why can’t I, why can’t all the mothers out there.

I have this urgent urge to dedicate this year’s Mother’s Day, in fact the whole year, to Mother of Mothers’, Supreme Mother Nature. And this year it is not specifically the  motherly qualities – giving, caring, providing- only , but an altogether different trait of our Mother Nature that I’d like to bow my head to, i.e, her badassness.


She is a badass Man! I mean I really never knew that if her kids begin to forget about her place , her rights and her powers, she can reclaim all these things all by herself.

And this is the quality I’d like all the mothers out there to learn from Mother Nature and inculcate in them, including me.

Mother Nature

Compared to the years we spent in causing all the harm to nature, she is rejuvenating real fast and this gives hope and courage to mothers like me who for a certain reason or other left their jobs, careers , passions and zeal. Take my example. Me, a career – oriented woman, a book nerd left her job as a Professor when my child was born about five years and nine months ago.But there never passed a day when I didn’t crave to reclaim my place , to take my life in my hands , to start my career again.

But something or other popped up that did not let me. And when my child was five , the age to begin proper school, instead of being enthusiastic about going out into the world, I became doubtful. ‘Do I still have it in me, the same passion, the same zeal, the same health, and the same knowledge to begin with?’All these and many more doubts never let me even try to give myself a try  again let alone taking the plunge.But today when I look at our Mother Nature; rejuvenating at such a fast pace , it gives me hope.

Why Can’t We?

If our Mother Nature, even after so many years of serious damage can try and really reclaim her place, why can’t I, why can’t all the mothers out there. This gives me the courage to hope against hope. And at least try. And this article is my first attempt at trying . Words have always fascinated me, their formation, pronunciation, syntax, everything about words charms me.While Reading is the food to my soul, Writing is meditation for me.So during this lockdown period, while I can’t go hunting for a job, I can at least read and write.

There must be so many women like me who left their passion, career for one reason or another. I’d request them all to learn from Mother Nature and reclaim their place.It’s never too late!

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Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

Rashmi Jindal

While literature is her first love, writing is a need for Rashmi to keep going. She has been writing poems and short stories since she was twelve.She has written three books -- Fix the Risk read more...

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