‘All I See Is You’ Is A Perfect Movie To Watch During Lockdown

All I See Is You a movie that deals with the many trials and tribulatins of relationships, where audiences come face to face with raw human emotions.

All I See Is You a movie that deals with the many trials and tribulatins of relationships, where audiences come face to face with raw human emotions.

‘All I See Is You’ is a movie i watched about a week ago. Technically, the lockdown hadn’t started then but i have been homebound since March 16th.

Living the quarantine life?

Initially, I thought the time would pass with days of binge-watching Netflix and that I would finally have the time to relax.  But there’s a limit to how much a person can chill and I am now getting tired of doing so. Post chilling, when my mind started working again, I took matters into my own hands and made sure I stayed sane, happy and healthy during these trying times.

I started a few things and made some much needed lifestyle changes and for now, life seems good.

A commentary on life?

Coming back to the movie, it’s i think, one of those movies that are grossly underrated. It could also be that the audience needs to be in a certain frame of mind to truly understand the movie because a large part of it is left unsaid. Just like life, not everything comes with a narration and subtitles, accompanied with simply black and white realities. Life, in my opinion, is a boat swimming in the greys.

I don’t know how many have watched this movie but if you do plan to, be ready to come face to face with a lot of raw human emotions. These are the  kind of emotions that a lot of relationships are afraid to acknowledge. Some relationships work because one person is the dominant one, “taking care” of the other, making all important life decisions, steering the wheels in the couple’s relationship, while the other, in comparison, is subservient. So, what happens when a person who has never been a decision maker and has always been a dependent in a relationship realised his/her self worth? Would the relationship still remain the same?A lot of relationships are “working out” because one person out of the two have not realised his/her true potential and then the other derives power out of this.

I have always believed, not knowing something is not innocence. Not being capable is not innocence. Because someday when such a person “knows” and is “capable”, you never know what kind of a human they might turn out to be. I always like people who know and then choose their path.

Anyway, the highpoint of the movie was the cute song played on the guitar and the gazillion thoughts it leaves you with. Blake Lively and Jason Clarke have acted well as always. After Zero Dark Thirty, I was looking forward to seeing Jason Clarke in a different genre and he didn’t disappoint me either.

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If you like dark movies dealing with raw human emotions, give it a shot.


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