Watch What You Nibble & Other Self-Care Tips For Young Moms In The Times Of Coronavirus

Moms, whether working moms or not, we're all at home with our young kids, and along with dealing with fears of COVIS-19, how can we make sure of self care?

Moms, whether working moms or not, we’re all at home with our young kids, and along with dealing with fears of COVIS-19, how can we make sure of self care?

This is a message for all you wonderful mommies out here, irrespective of being a work-from-home mommy or non work-from-home, SAHM mommy or doctor mommies, or still working mommies from any other sectors.

We’re all distressed and that’s the common link binding us now. Why are we distressed? There are multiple reasons.

Fear of infection, yes, but what else?

All of us are perturbed by one common factor, the coronavirus pandemic and fear of infection. What are the other factors?

Work from home moms

Work-from-home mommies are crying sore that they are unable to work with the children too being at home, disturbing them during their calls.

Stay at home moms

SAHM (non wfh) mommies are upset that they have to tend to their children for a longer summer vacation (the thought of summer vacation itself was tormenting enough).

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Moms working in essential sectors

The still working mommies from the essential services sectors are struggling amidst going to work and simultaneously taking care of their kids’ needs and wants through the caring grandparents (those are the fortunate ones) or through their maids/ nannies/ caretakers who too are toiling day and night.

Doctor moms

The doctor mommies who of course are torn between their duties and responsibilities of caring for their patients on one side (many may be screening/ testing/ examining Corona virus affected patients) and tending to their families (including the little brats) on the other side.

Now we can’t practice social distancing with our family members especially our tiny tots, so our solution is to teach them the technique of hand washing and to ensure that the whole household pursues hand washing relentlessly (whether it is with counting numbers or singing the Happy Birthday song or any other rhymes as per their whims and fancies), and also trying our best to keep all potentially disease-causing surfaces clean and sanitized. We cannot afford to spread it to our family members but the risk is the highest.

For all moms – 

Excessive screen use by kids

So now the problem of excessive digital screen exposure (to the kids and adults alike) is a looming one with all external sources of entertainment curtailed. This can be addressed by moving on to our good old humble (paper) books – a variety of them as appropriate to age.

Munching and comfort eating

Another of the greatest troubles is our penchant for good food to tickle our taste buds and to satiate our ever-growling hungry stomachs. Staying at home, we tend to munch on a little something every now and then; healthy or unhealthy, we don’t care. Now the gyms and other sports academies and studios are closed too, making us falter with our workout schedules. In all this, an epidemic of obesity can result.

Working out at home

So what can we do to reduce piling up fat globules in our bodies in these times of the coronavirus?

  1. Climb stairs at work (working mommies) instead of taking the elevators or escalators (prevents touching the elevator buttons too, protecting from the virus spreading). For those at home, try to take as many ‘steps’ as possible through the day along with doing some tummy toning exercises.
  2. Cook your own food (healthier option) and carry to work instead of ordering out (parcel packets are prone to the infection) or going to a hotel/ canteen/ restaurant (to avoid crowds/ gatherings) which is anyway being stopped at many places.
  3. Get your children to imitate you by exercising (physical exercises/ zumba at home/ dance to your favourite tunes/ Yoga) in front of them, so that they get some physical activity too.
  4. Spot jogging with accompanying music for those who like to go for a jog, if the outdoor option is unavailable.
  5. Eye exercises, warming up exercises, breathing exercises and meditation as corollaries to other physical activity.

So, stay home or work, but keep yourself fit and healthy, and most importantly, safe. We need to keep our immune system strong to keep ourselves away from all diseases including this coronavirus, which is possible only by eating healthy, exercising and being fit, and developing a strong immune system and taking adequate necessary precautions mandated by the WHO.

Let’s motivate each other to keep fit, avoid overeating and ingesting junk food due to stress/ boredom/ depression. Spread positivity, and hope that we’ll come out unscathed from this global crisis without developing obesity and other communicable and non communicable diseases.

#avoidCorona #avoidObesity #staysafe #sheroes #medicalsoldiers #wfh #SAHM #otherworkingsectors #essentialservices

Image source: shutterstock

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