The Story Of A Golden Heart

She was running a chain of maternity care hospitals across different cities in the country with a wonderful concept "care first formalities next".

The news reporter was interviewing Dr. Yashodhara. She was giving a live interview on the news channel. Reporter : “Today we are in conversation with Dr. Yashodhara-a doctor with a golden heart! Welcome to the show Madam”

Doctor smiles to the camera.

Reporter : Dr. Yashodhara has received the humanitarian award for her exceptional services in the healthcare sector, Congratulations Doctor”

Dr. Yashodhara : “Thank you Radhikaji”

The reporter was taking the viewers through the journey of the doctor’s life- her education, her achievements and the way the hospital chains was started off in the country. In between these questionnaire, calls were put online where the callers expressed their gratitude to the hospital owned by the doctor.

Dr. Yashodhara was felicitated for her exceptional contributions to the healthcare of women. She received the humanitarian award for her services in the medical field. She was running a chain of maternity care hospitals across different cities in the country with a wonderful concept “care first formalities next“. The speciality of the hospital chains was that any woman who is due for a delivery will first be admitted and started off with the necessary procedures or even go ahead with delivery in case of emergencies and then will the hospital management talk about the formalities and bills with the patient’s family!

Reporter: “Tell us what inspired you to this concept of “care first formalities next” Madam?”

Dr. Yashodhara: “The most beautiful, selfless, unconditional love of a mother to her child made me think of the concept.”

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She continued: “I want to share a story with all the viewers today..There was a nurse in the maternity section of a hospital.”

“Being in maternity ward; the nurse would be a part of the team assisting the doctors team for deliveries. She would see mothers delivering babies day in and out. Some mothers would be happy to see their baby’s face while some would be sad..reason-baby girl!There were families consoling the mothers saying next time it will be a boy for sure..”

“There were mothers who would deliver a baby girl the second or third time too and cry right there in the delivery room even before the umbilical cord was cut!”

“The nurse often wondered why these women consider giving birth to a son as a goal accomplishment.”

“One day there was one such woman in labour pain admitted for her third delivery. She and her family were quite acquainted with the hospital and this nurse as it was the third time they were all there for the delivery. As the woman was being wheeled to the delivery room her relatives were seen anxiously praying; behold their prayers were answered: a beautiful baby girl!”

“Everyone seemed to very unhappy to welcome the third baby only because she was a girl. The mother was seen sad on the bed; the in-laws were seen with frown faces..while the dad was sitting in the corner of the room with an expression which seemed like he was holding the weight of the entire earth like Atlas!”

“As the nurse walked into this room to see the mother and the baby well-being; she felt the cold sad vibes of the people around and understood the reason for their sadness. With the slight liberty she had the nurse coyly spoke to the woman saying don’t worry this is not the end of the world.

The woman wiped her tears with a sad smile while the in-laws kept murmuring to themselves with frowns on their faces. Gathering all her courage the nurse said “If you are all sad because it’s another girl; please give the baby to me I will raise her as my own daughter”

Everyone were taken aback for a second to hear a jolting statement like this when they were all in their sad state of mood. There was a gibberish talk between the parents and the son. As they came to an agreement they came to convince the woman who cried her heart out.

“With a heavy heart unwillingly she passed on the baby to the nurse who carried the baby like she had given birth to that baby just now. That moment a mother birth to a baby without having to cut the umbilical cord.”

“The baby in the story is me and nurse is my mother. If I am what I am today it is only because of her!” Said Dr. Yashodhara.

Reporter Radhika was left tongue tied for a moment. She did not find words to express her feelings on a live tv show. Quickly coming into terms she said “I must say that she is a nurse with a golden heart who raised a girl to become a doctor with a golden heart.” and clapped her hands saluting the true spirit of a woman’s humanity and her motherhood.

Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Arpitha Sreeramprasad

An avid reader, Former academician now a SAHM to a toddler son. Longing to see the REAL Gender-equality treatment to Daughters and to Her Parents too! read more...

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