Indian Women : Empowerment and Education

Every woman should be infused with enough of courage and strength to question such atrocities rather than be subdued by the emotional blackmailing format of “It’s a woman’s life”!!!

Understanding individual rights as a citizen whether man or woman is important. Knowledge is power and using it as a weapon to ensure that human rights are protected is essential. As educated women, we are well aware of rights or we seem to be, but are we ready to use our knowledge as a weapon in our feminist armoury?

Today education of girl children is encouraged most aggressively and empowerment of women is a national agenda across political sections of society. India still lags when it comes to the protection of rights of women not just by society but in the families too. It is irony even today that mothers of boys feel privileged compared to those of girls (with some exception of women who gave birth to both genders). In a society where man is considered to be the breadwinner even if women bring extra bread the man is considered the winner. Nevertheless, these situations are emotionally manipulated in families most of the time to ensure male hierarchy.

In the so-called liberal and educated sections of society where parents are willing to shell out extra money to ensure the best weddings and afterlife for their daughters, the term dowry has been carefully misconstrued for personal gains of the grooms family nothing to do with the woman. This so-called tradition which if utilized judiciously would have given greater financial security to the woman in her married life. A parent who is trying to ensure the financial security of their precious daughter in marriage stands most the time at a loss monetarily and emotionally.

A hypocritical and greedy society which can twist every carefully laid out tradition for monetary gains should be questioned by the law of the land. Every woman should be infused with enough of courage and strength to question such atrocities rather than be subdued by the emotional blackmailing format of “It’s a woman’s life”!!!

Women fighting for their share of property inheritance, unfortunately, goes beyond her death too. Women fighting for respect and fair positioning in their husbands home are the stark realities of Indian society. Archaic laws accepted by society as if they were part of the Ten Commandments. The rebels are the empowered and educated ones who will be silenced by the gatekeepers of our society.

Women’s writings on contemporary issues should break these stereotypes set up in an archaic backward thinking society. Making a society truly livable for both man and woman should be created consciously to enable future generations to align themselves in a truly peaceful Indian society.

Image via Pexels

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