No Regrets : Join our Blogathon Around Women Going Guilt Free

Join this Blogaton #NoRegrets and tell us about the time when you decided to take control of your life, guilt free.

Live life with no regrets! Isn’t this what we all want to do? But, the demon called guilt always gets the better of us as women. To help us remember that #Guilt-Free is the way to go, join this Blogathon #NoRegrets and tell us about the time when you decided to take control of your life, guilt free.

We live our life in schedules. For a working woman, whether single or married, it primarily revolves around juggling between work and life responsibilities. If she is a mother, then play schedules and school schedules add on. If she is passionate about an idea or a cause, then energies are spent in finding time for pursuing this passion. While we may think that the ‘busy’ness comes in phases, it actually just changes form and never really goes away.

So, when does one take charge of her own life? 

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a go-to book to help us figure our way through as we fumble and stumble in life? Kaveree Bamzai’s book No Regrets: The Guilt Free Woman’s Guide to a Good Life is just that! It is not a self help book but a self-care book! We definitely do not want idealisms, rather, it is a book that talks about lessons from being a mother to lessons learnt from our own mothers; managing money to marriage; coping with pain and anger to taking ownership of our health and growing old.

An inspiring read, it also has advice from noted women achievers like Naina Lal Kidwai, Arianna Huffington, Sudha Murthy, Smriti Irani, Twinkle Khanna, Farah Khan and Sania Mirza among others.

Join us with India’s leading publishing house Harper Collins on a blogathon wherein we start the dialogue around living it up with #NoRegrets, Kaveree Bamzai’s empowering new book.


Blogathon Theme

Tell us the choices that have defined you as a woman. It could be your personal choices or career choices – a decision that you made and accepted with #NoRegrets, whether or not they met with the approval of everyone else. And do tell us what got you to the stage of sticking to it, with #NoRegrets as well!

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You can tell us about people, real, fictional or from the celeb world, whose advice mattered to you in this journey? When did you realize that you are not alone out there and there is a whole tribe to back you up? 

Published Entries

As part of the Blogathon, Women’s Web and Harper Collins will be recognising 6 selected stories about women sharing their experiences and moments that led to the #NoRegrets phase in their life. The selected entries in this series are:

Deepti’s story Why Breaking The Norm To Be A Researcher Was The Best Thing I Did For My Career #NoRegrets where she talks about her unconventional career choices and the decisions that led to her success.

Namrata Singh’s realistic post I Have #NoRegrets About The Regrets That Mark My Journey To Where I Stand Now that emphasises that regrets are a part of life. Learning to live with them is actually the #NoRegrets mantra.

CS’s personal story Goodbye Toxic MIL …Much To Your Dismay, I Am Happy And Confident With #NoRegrets In My Life on how she is happy not being the sanskaari bahu.

Priya Nagesh’s poignant personal narration of navigating through loss, love and romance through her story Choiceless Choices And Yet No Regrets? 6 Women In My Life Show Me How

In our next selected post, Neeraja Ganesh shared tips for working women to strike the right work-life balance through her story Do You Suffer From The ‘Working Woman’s Guilt’? 5 Ways To Let It Go With No Regrets

And finally, a beautiful personal story of a 21 year old working professional’s work trip to Africa; Cameroon Chronicles : How A Work Trip To Africa Turned Me Into A Confident Working Professional

Rules & Terms

  • Write this post on your author dashboard on Women’s Web. You can write as many posts as you like, and there is no word limit. You can also send it to [email protected] with the subject line #NoRegrets
  • Add a note on why you would like to read a copy of Kaveree Bamzai’s new book, No Regrets, including the book link.
  • Include the #NoRegrets in your blog and in your title.
  • The best five entries will be Featured on Women’s Web and shared on our social media too.
  • 6 of the best articles will win goodies from Harper Collins too.


Make sure you have submitted your post by 27 Sep 2019 by 10 PM IST!



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Women's Web

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