Bare And Honest Me: I’m An Ambitious Working Woman And Proud Of It!

A happy, working woman is not a myth. There are women who manage the balance perfectly. While there are others who seek help. Both are happy, working women!

A happy, working woman is not a myth. There are women who manage the balance perfectly. While there are others who seek help. Both still are happy, working women!

I am a 28 year old woman living in Mumbai working a job that earns me enough to buy me a life of limited luxuries. And occasionally takes me to different countries of the world.

A routine day in my life somewhat looks like this:

I start my day at around 8 in the morning, followed by a busy morning that involves instructing cooks and maids, then getting ready for work. In order to be able to spend some time with my family, I try to come back home, strictly before 8. Meanwhile, I also take time to go to the gym and also occasionally in my “me-time,” I blog.

The world of a happy working woman

Yes, welcome to the world of a happy working woman!

Time has changed and so has life.

I don’t like the idea of slogging in between household work and office chores to get things right. My mother has done it all her life and I have seen her do it.

I am no perfectionist and I don’t want everything in its place. A wet towel in the bed, a not so sorted cupboard and a messy bun does not give me sleepless nights. My priorities in life are different. I still am a happy, working woman!

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Glamorous is the word that comes to mind when I think of happy living. I love pampering myself by shopping, spending Friday nights of wine and cheese and posting picture on social media at leisure.

I want my kids to think I am fun!

Post work, I love hanging out with large groups of people where I am a part of every random conversation around the table. A quick coffee meet or catching up over a drink post work sounds just right to me.

My Saturday nights would usually go watching the latest movies in theatres. I’d rather read a book than cook in my free time. As for my children, I don’t want them to hesitate when they say that their mom doesn’t enjoy cooking. However, she is more fun to be than any of their friends.

I was amazed to see Priyanka Chopra’s interview where she, very proudly,  said that her mom can hardly make an omelet. Rather than tiring myself juggling the kitchen, I prefer having a cook.

Me: Bare and honest

I am super positive in life and a part of the society where if someone falls off, people don’t rush out of reflex to care but because they are trained to do so. Personally, I don’t see a problem with that.

Somehow, I am not comfortable with intense relationships. And without any shame, I can say that I always prefer being emotionally unavailable unless, I truly care. That is me: bare and honest, me. Period.

I love posting pics on social media not because I love showing off but because I always believe in sharing a smile. Even when I see happy pictures of people visiting places, getting married or achieving success in life, I feel happy for them. All these motivate me and I want my posts to work the same way.

My own therapist for life

I want to be my own therapist for life. And that is where this blog plays an important role, it helps me hear myself out. To me, writing is like speaking to my best friend, to a soulmate. When I am happy, I can write about the happy moments.

Similarly, when I am upset, I can vent out my emotions through the blog. Writing heals me in ways my friends and family cannot. It is like an obituary for my thoughts.

I want to choose the right food to eat and be a weight watcher all along. Every year, I want to have my fitness goals and be able to strike through them.

I am married not because I need a man as I am weak but because I need companionship at every phase of my life. Sharing responsibilities is always relieving and family is always the best blessing to have.

I want a life full of laughter

I don’t want to live a life full of lies, but I want to live a life full of laughter.

My job is wonderful, it keeps me going and I love it. It pushes me off my limits and challenges me every day.

I am super ambitious and I aim no less than to be partner or director in my company.

Everything I have and everything I want, I want it to be good and nice. My life, my travel, my hair, my nails, my dress, my shoes, my family, my career. That’s not called being demanding, that’s just being aspiring and ambitious.

In a nutshell, I want to live a life queen size as a happy working woman.

So here I go again, when people see my at my 35, they should wonder, ‘What an incredible life it could be, if only one could laugh like her.’

P.S: This blog strictly reflects my personal thoughts and is not intended to hurt or generalise any opinion.

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Arpa Mitra

An SAP consultant by profession with a wanderlust driven soul, I find happiness in penning down my thoughts and travelling around the world. A resident of multiple cities (read: Mysore, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Kolkata), read more...

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