I Own My Colour, Happily; But Will You Be Able To?

"Be me for a day, live my life," challenges the poet. "I guarantee, you will not be able to cope; but I own my colour!"


“Be me for a day, live my life,” challenges the poet. “I guarantee, you will not be able to cope; but I own my colour!”

Even if they tried, they would probably still never be able to see.
Not because they do not have eyes, they do; but because even
Though God Saw it fit to endow them with eyes, he did not give
Them the deeper sight of love, tolerance and equanimity.

Such superficial people will see and yet not be able to see that
Behind my dusky skin tone, behind the ebony kissed bronze,
Behind the chocolate brown hues of the eyes that are shy,
There is a heart that beats the same rhythm as theirs.

To such people I shall never be beautiful for I am dark skinned.
These are the people who shall control my destiny as a woman
They shall decide my fate and my future, my alliance & life.
Not I, but my colour shall decide what path I take.

To such people I openly challenge – be me for a day, live my life.
I am comfortable being who I am, I am happy in my own skin
But I dare you to just try to own my colour; walk in my shoes, for a day.
I guarantee, you will not be able to cope; but I happily accept and hope.

Image source: a still from Lust Stories

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About the Author

sonal singh

Sonal is a multiple award winning blogger and writer and the founder of a women-centric manpower search firm - www.rianplacements.com. Her first book, a volume of poetry - Islands in the stream - is slated read more...

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