Dear Men, We Fought For Our Rights, You Did Not Grant Us Anything!

The author makes an argument wherein she says that women fought on their own and men did not play a role in their battle against equality.

Today, when I was talking to my boyfriend I asked if he is a feminist and he replied that he is an “Equalist”. It sparked something in me. There are men giving equality to women in everything but, still some men consider women the weaker sex. Of course feminists have fought back for equal rights and equal opportunities in almost every field.

It is still a patriarchal society and the men think that they have let us win our fight. No, we didn’t win something, we fought for what actually belonged to us. We should have had equal rights. But, the patriarchal society held it back. You can take credit for just one thing- you made us come together and fight against the suppression. So don’t act as if you took pity on us and gave away equal rights. We fought back for what is ours and you offered us what we wanted.

Don’t say ‘we have given you equal opportunities, we have granted you equality in everything’ . You don’t grant us anything. When you couldn’t tolerate our fight, you backed out. As we fight back for what belongs to us, we can’t accept this lie that, ‘feminists were given equality by men’. We were suppressed, we were denied our rights, we realized, we fought, we gained our actual rights. You have nothing to do with this. Stay away as you have no part to play in our victory.

Image Source: Pixabay

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