Happy Men’s Day – To All The ‘Poor’ Men Who Were Only Trying To Be ‘Friendly’ With You

Men‘s Day this year has a special significance especially after all the #metoo stories coming out, where we got to see the other side of 'good', successful men. Read on to know why we should be celebrating.

Men‘s Day this year has a special significance especially after all the #metoo stories coming out, where we got to see the other side of ‘good’, successful men. Read on to know why we should be celebrating.

Today is International Men’s day; yes you heard me right – a day exclusively marked for men, to celebrate and pamper them as if they don’t manage to grab enough attention on the other 364 days.

Men‘s Day this year has a special significance especially after all the #metoo stories coming out, where we got to see the other side of ‘good’, successful men. Achievers who were celebrated and praised, had an ugly side hidden that made them sexually harass and abuse young, vulnerable women working with them. These poor successful men were so stressed trying to achieve their goals that they felt the need to get ‘friendly’ with their female co-workers even though the ladies were not very keen on getting ‘friendly’ with them. So what did these ‘poor’ men do? They used their power to manipulate, intimidate and harass the ladies until they succumbed to their ‘charms’ or they left the work place broken and disheartened; but these ‘poor’ men now claim to be innocent and cry of being framed by the same ladies they were just trying to be ‘friendly’ with.

They are so offended that many have hired a team of lawyers to defend their reputation, which they claim to be unscathed inspite of all the allegations against them. ”Oh come on, we did nothing but try to get a little comfortable with the ladies around, not a big issue, right?”

Some of the men are so bewildered with the situation that the ‘poor’ men are trying to lighten up the situation by cracking ‘funny’ jokes about sweetoo turning into #metoo – what a noble way to handle this unexpected turn of events. The nasty ones have hit back with vengeance, name-calling and accusing the ladies of trying to gain attention after years. Yes, the ladies are getting publicly trolled and abused, only to get attention and these ‘poor’ men are helplessly watching the whole drama unfold in front of them.

After abusing them years ago and causing immense mental trauma, these men are now claiming to be victims of circumstances and blaming the very same women whom they were trying to get ‘friendly’ with, of ruining their careers and lives. Luckily for these men, not much has changed; except for a few, the others continue to enjoy the privileges of their well paying jobs and the comfort of their family lives. Don’t these ‘poor’ men deserve this after all their achievements and hard work?

Oh #notallmen are alike, we do have ‘good’ men who themselves have not abused or harassed any woman but were and are still silent spectators to the entire fiasco. ‘Good’ men who saw what was happening but decided to look away – why? Because it happens and also, who wants to mess with the successful guy. Let the ‘poor’ guy have some fun while we ‘good’ ones will pretend that nothing wrong is happening, after all what are brothers for, this is bromance at its peak.

Oh wait, stop blaming the men for all the wrongs, aren’t the other ladies to be blamed for what was happening? Yes they are to be – women who themselves were previously harassed and abused, who were hiding their own scars and fighting their own demons, why were they silent? Why didn’t they speak out? As if these ‘good’ men would have heard and supported them if they had. Every time a woman speaks, instead of listening we come out with a whole barrage of questions and counter allegations but yes, the women should also be blamed for the silence of the few ‘good’ men.

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The number of men who came out in support of their brothers is really surprising. Unknown, random men who have never and will never meet these ‘poor’ men just jumped up to support them. Not only did they defend them but also went on a rampage of abuse against the women who were claiming to be the victims. The unity displayed by these men is exemplary and definitely needs to be celebrated. And today when an entire day is marked for them we dare not remind them of their shortcomings but only celebrate their machoism and achievements.

Don’t they deserve some pampering on this special day, for after all, their flaws are all due to women. ‘Poor’ men even when they err, it is not entirely their fault, so they definitely need a special day for themselves.

Stop whining and crying you women! When you can have a day for yourselves why can’t these ‘poor’ and a few ‘good’ men be allowed to forget their shortcomings and focus on how hardworking and caring they are? So forget your woes and join them in celebrating their day and be magnanimous in wishing them a “Happy Men‘s Day“!

Image via Pexels


About the Author

Dr Kouser Fathima

Dentist ,writer ,blogger and strongly opinionated .

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