5 Killer Management Lessons I Got From My Personal Life – Share Yours!

Does the idea of learning management lessons at home seem unusual or even weird? Prerna Wahi finds that these 5 effective management lessons work equally at home and at work!

Does the idea of learning management lessons at home seem unusual or even weird? Prerna Wahi finds that these 5 effective management lessons work equally at home and at work!

I often hear people say they are different people at home and in their professional workplace. I always struggle to understand this ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ phenomenon. I feel our personal lives – be it parenting, spousal relationships, or other family connections – present many situations that mirror what one could potentially face at work and hence, one’s personal life is a fertile ground for learning the best management lessons.

Here are a few principles of good management that apply equally at home and work

Effective Delegation

At home, we either assign tasks to others or are assigned tasks depending on some division of labour construct. The most frustrating thing once that happens is either we are micromanaging the other party or are being micromanaged. This helps nobody. Let’s start by understanding that everyone has their own styles of accomplishing a task and no single way is the only right way. Different paths could lead to the same destination.

For learning, it’s important each of us discover our own paths. Personal relationships are stronger due to this empowerment and it is the cornerstone for building trust. In a workplace, robust teams are built similarly.

Letting go of ego

Realising that the relationship is more important than our egos is cardinal. At home, we apologise to our spouse, our children, parents and make up because we understand that there are no winners in a domestic dispute. You lose even if you win. Our relationships at work are similar. We should let our ego go.

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Effective communication

The lack of it is the single biggest contributor to problems. It’s important to keep an open two way channel of communication at home. My husband and I spend time catching up every day even after a hectic day. We encourage our son to share his good and not so good moments of the day as well, before we go to sleep. This helps us recap our day and put forth little things that we can improve for the other one.

Similarly, in a work place, people need to communicate transparently about what’s ok and what needs fixing. Bottling up feelings is akin to a festering wound. It can only be healed by open communication.

Solution oriented mind-set

Life is a constant struggle and every day brings new challenges. Having a solution oriented approach always helps. No one at home likes a cribber. We would much rather spend our energy tacking the problem. Not everything gets resolved immediately but at least one tries and is hopeful of a better tomorrow. Next time at work, try and be a part of the solution and you will see the differential impact.


The power of positive reinforcement works magic with children. Secretly, adults are no different. Recognition of a job well done will go a long way in motivating people to harness their best.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you learnt at home that you apply to work.

First published at author’s blog

Image via Unsplash 


About the Author

Prerna Wahi

Prerna Wahi worked in the corporate world for 7 years. In the past few years, she has been a stay-at-home mom. She has been enjoying the new role ever since and likes to read more...

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