When I Am Gone

How do you want people to think of you when you are gone?

How do you want people to think of you when you are gone?

When I am gone;
Let me rest in the dark,
Do not be intimidated by my eerie presence,
As I will light up your lonely world with my incandescence.
When I am gone;
Be with me while I perceive the whispers of the catabatic breeze,
Allow this moment of our  camaraderie to freeze.
When I am gone;
Do not chant hymns of entombment,
As captivation seems so abhorrent,
This fleeting soul is now addicted to vivacity,
Instead, sing me a memory that lasts until eternity,
Yes, that memory which is an ode to our treasured affection,
Which is yet to reach its highest level of perfection.
When I am gone;
Cherish me in your racing thoughts,
Reminisce the naivety and nascent flavor,
To our union which I once brought,
As in this grip of death,
My soul badly yearns not to be caught,
When I am gone;
Race towards me with racing feet,
Allow me to supersede over this ‘earthly’ pain of departure,
And thrive in this moment of incautious meet,
This very meet, which to earthly beings might seem incongruous,
But to a dead and catatonic soul seems so sumptuous!
When I am gone;
Appreciate that death is another way of being,
Not in humanly guise;
But as an unconquerable spirit;
Whose yearning for love never dies;
For I have been reduced to a soul vanquished by the romantic fervor in your eyes;
So here I stand, insurmountable by demise.

When I am gone;
Let the fluttering leaves of the autumn tree soothe my soul which desires
to grab infinity,
That very soul which now lies hurt and sore,
Come, my love, decorate it with ornaments in the form of memories
When I am gone;
Let your tears touch, awaken and weigh down my heart,
Let us reunite after life makes us to part,
Clinging on the memories which we built when earthly life was a race,
For it is in this awakening that I shall find solace.

Image via Pexels

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About the Author

Tushita Mukhopadhyay

I have worked as a PhD student at Institute of Science, Bangalore from 2012-2017 in Chemical and Materials Science. I am currently a post doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States. read more...

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