Five Helpful Tips To Make Your Child More Obedient

Disobedience is a part of most children's growing up years. Here are five useful tips on how to make your child listen to you.

Disobedience is a part of most children’s growing up years. Here are five useful tips on how to make your child listen to you.

At some point in life all of us as parents have faced this situation where our children don’t listen to us. Or, if I put it this way, your child heard what you said but completely and easily ignored it . So, let’s face the problem and find out what are the things which we can do to avoid such an occurrence.


Firstly, make sure you are there in person when you are telling your kid to do something . You can not howl from another room telling your child to make their room tidy. Its easy for them to pretend they have not heard it.  Always be close and personally available to expect them to listen.

Eye contact

Make eye contact when you are giving a task . Say, “I want you to do your homework right now,” looking into their eyes and making a clear and close eye contact so that they get the idea that how serious you are about the task to be completed.

Time limit

This is something I personally practice to get results . Once given the task give them a time limit to complete it . They will feel a little pressurized with clock ticking away and the time losing from their hands, and work not done within that time limit . Tell your kid to complete the writing work within 30 minutes and come back to check. To your surprise they would have finished their work on time.


Make your kid aware that if they don’t listen they have to face the consequences. For example, if your child is all the time on the phone or on iPad  playing games , tell them no phone/iPad  days for next one week and stick with it. I have done this trick to get rid of my child’s most irritating habit. Whenever he used to come back from school he used to throw his clothes and bags here and there and walk out of the room. I used to shout at him to keep his belongings at place but all in vain, he never listened or even if he did it was the same scenario next day onward.  So, I made a pact and said that,”If you doesn’t listen, I would make you write two exercise of English composition everyday.” This is something he hated doing. After the third day of doing the compositions, he became smarter, or I should say he started listening and all the things were at its respective place thankfully thereafter. All thanks to his English composition exercise book!


Nothing  is more rewarding than being rewarded for being an obedient kid. Appreciate and acknowledge the effort . We all like to be appreciated!! . It renders feelings of accomplishment and keep them  all the more busy to make an attempt to keep you happy and get loved and pampered in turn.

I hope this would help all parents finding themselves in a fix  to make their child listen to them. Please let me know if you have any other ways that you found useful. I will be happy to see your comments .

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