Teaching Children Consent Is Too Important To Leave It To Chance!

What's the right age for teaching children consent? This is what #WomenOnTheMove had to say in our weekly Twitter Chat.

What’s the right age for teaching children consent? This is what #WomenOnTheMove had to say in our weekly Twitter Chat.

As a mother, more often than not I am left gobsmacked by the way society thinks and views that it is their right to have a say over our children’s bodies, instead of leaving it to them. Children are often shamed for not giving the grand-parents or the uncles and aunties a kiss or a hug.

Call to action lines like, “I’ll only do this after you give me a cuddle” or “I want a kiss on my cheek if you want this” often do the rounds if the child says a ‘NO’. Their right to choose to give someone a hug or not is blatantly disregarded. They are never asked. They’re just told.

We live in dangerous times and in these times I believe children should be taught young; children as young as 1 or 2 years. It is our responsibility to encourage and empower them by telling/teaching them to take an active ownership over their bodies. It is their body and it is they who choose whether they should allow anyone to touch them or not.

Having said that, our role does not end there. It is equally important to tell our children that as much as it is important to have a right on their own bodies, it is equally important to respect other’s choices when it comes to their bodies. It is never a one way road and all children should be raised with that thought. Give respect to get respect.

Earlier this week, we had our weekly #Womenonthemove chat over at Twitter, and this is what we discussed.

(If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Thursday 6-7PM IST).

Catch them young


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Actions speak louder than words

Children are keen observers. So the best way to impart knowledge is through your everyday actions.

Asking for permission

Yes it is extremely important to respect our children’s wishes but it is also equally important to teach them that other’s choices matter too. A NO is a NO for both sides. Only a YES is PERMISSION.


Their body, their right

Image: Pixabay


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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