A 14 Year Old Tells Us Why She Can Never Be Without A Book To Read

A 14 year old tells us in this piece how books have become the stuff of dreams for her, and how she can never be without a book.

A 14 year old tells us in this piece how books have become the stuff of dreams for her, and how she can never be without a book.

In December 2015, we had #BookTalk, a theme based writing contest. There were some children who wrote in. Although we could not use these as contest entries, we appreciated the effort. Sharing the first one of these, by a 9 year old.

The cue was: “Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination and the journey. They are home.” ― Anna Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life

Here is what 14 year old Chavi has to say.

Nooo!!! Just thinking about it makes me scared! Uff! World without books is horrible for book lovers. Would anyone stay in a world without books? No ways, I am not going to be in a world without books. How can someone stop dreaming or imagining. Books is one thing which helps to escape from the real world and go to the land of fantasy.
As for me, I am a book lover. Actually more than a book lover. A ‘bookworm’.

I started reading books at the age of 4. Before that I used to take books just to show everyone that I could read but I used to act as if I was reading. But actually I was just interested in looking at the pictures in the book.

My first series was the Disney book of Mickey Mouse. It was quite an interesting book. I loved them, they were great. As days passed on I soon developed on reading more fluently. And then soon I was drawn towards reading books like Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. Now I am reading the quite interesting series of the ‘Heroes of Olympus’. They are fantastic books to read. They rock! Its adventurous, mythological and the power lay in the hands of the hero. The character has made me adventurous. It has made me enthusiastic and I am always eager to read.

Every book has given me a bigger step towards my vocabulary. It has groomed me well. It has given me a way to where my life leads me. Without books I wouldn’t have been able to dream and fulfill my wishes. Books are everything for me.

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When I used to get my school books, I used read them as though they were story books and kept them in my mind for the whole year. Though bored afterwards, when Madam in my school explains them again would help me remember. I have no end for reading story books. I read a same book again and again if I don’t get to borrow or buy a new one. I re-read the books again and again.

Books have given me knowledge, brains, potential and much more. Which I will never forget. I try to read all kinds of books but I like detective stores though I want to become a doctor so I am interested in Biology as well.

My love for books is never ending nor will it ever end.

Image source: teenager reading books by Shutterstock.


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