13 Beautiful New Year Resolutions That Parents Have For 2016; Share Yours

New Year Resolutions for parents can be fun and empowering! Read these sweet, funny new year resolutions and share your own too.

New Year Resolutions for parents can be fun and empowering! Read these sweet, funny new year resolutions and share your own too.

“Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them,” goes a quote by American writer P.J.O’Rourke.

Funny as that may sound, it is true that most people have a pet theory about raising children – just until the child comes along, and every theory flies out of the nearest window.

If parenting is one of the most rewarding activities that any human being will undertake in this lifetime, it surely qualifies as one of the hardest too.

It is no wonder that most parents beat themselves up at some time or the other – for not being kind enough, attentive enough, rich enough, patient enough, tough enough, soft enough…We certainly don’t need more parents telling themselves they didn’t do a good enough job.

Yet, New Year Resolutions, when thoughtfully made, can be a powerful force for positive change; by channeling our energies into one or two things, we can boost our chances of achieving something, as opposed to feeling miserable about the hundred things we failed to do.

With that in mind, we asked parents who follow Women’s Web on Twitter, to share with us their #NewYearsResolution as a parent.

Here are some of the very interesting resolutions that parents shared.

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1. Don’t fall into the comparison trap!

Rachana NY Resolution


2. Trust Yourself

Uma Nigith NY Resolution

3. Let my kids be

Varsha Bagadia NYResolution

4. Count my blessings

Shailaja NY resolution

5. Let my kids be more independent

Mitu NY Resolution

6. Remember I’m a good mom

Priyanka NY Resolution

7. Get outdoors more

Aditi NY Resolution

8. Listen more

Shivani NY Resolution

9. Be less angry

KetchupMom NY resolution

10. Raise responsible kids while staying sane!

Namrata NY resolution

11. Stop snooping!

Kanchana NY Resolution

12. Don’t panic about college

Kiran NY Resolutions

13. Spread the word about Stay at home dads!

Sid NY resolution

What is your new year resolution for 2016, as a parent? Share in the comments below!

Pic of child jumping via Shutterstock


About the Author

Aparna Vedapuri Singh

Founder & Chief Editor of Women's Web, Aparna believes in the power of ideas and conversations to create change. She has been writing since she was ten. In another life, she used to be read more...

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