Letting Kids Be : Stop Hurrying

A mother talks about the importance of letting kids be who they are, something we often overlook in the desire to make kids who we want them to be.

A mother talks about the importance of letting kids be who they are, something we often overlook in the desire to make kids who we want them to be.

Everyone is ecstatic as a new parent, going crazy at the little infant’s antics. The baby’s drooling and even farts are a cause for laughter all around. The parents soon switch over to a sing-song mode of conversation and start baby talking. It all seems like a child’s world and everyone is happy.

A couple of years later, the same set of parents start adding the phrase ‘grow up’ with every third sentence they utter to the child. I said it to my six-year-old when she just kept painting while we were getting late for a party. She just looked at me with blank eyes and asked, ‘How?’ I instantly realised the absurdity of the phrase I had used with her. She is a child and acting her age. Why do I ask her to grow up? She is growing up alright and pretty fast I think at times. It just feels like yesterday when I carried her in my lap.

We lay emphasis on ‘keeping the child inside us alive’ while on the other hand we ask our kids to grow up!

All of us miss our childhood days and wish them back. We lay emphasis on ‘keeping the child inside us alive’ while on the other hand we ask our kids to grow up! Why can’t we let them be and enjoy their childhood? It is not going to last forever, is it? It is, of course, our job as parents to teach our children the ways of life, to teach them the value of discipline and punctuality but we don’t need to steal away the little joys to do that.

It is okay if the kid misses one day of skating class if she wants to watch the princess movie playing on her favourite channel. It won’t be catastrophic if you got a little late to a party and let her finish the painting. You will teach your child how to grow up and she will learn but why the hurry? Being a parent is a blessing and you get to relive your childhood. Do not try to cut it short, it is your last chance.

-Let your kid dance in the rain.

-Let her make castles in the sand even if she gets all dirty.

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-Let her skip school once in a while when she doesn’t want to get up.

-Let her eat another piece of chocolate.

-Let her laugh like crazy without a reason.

None of us can do it all without any side-effects attached (now that we are all grown up).

Growing up is fun but not being a grown up! Let your child enjoy this short but sweet phase of her life so that she has lots of memories to carry forward with her in time. Maybe you can also let your hair down occasionally and be a child with her!

A girl running image via Shutterstock


About the Author

Shivani Shourie

A doctor, a healthcare administrator, an ever travelling army-wife and a hands-on mom who loves to bake, Dr Shivani Shourie gives multitasking a new definition. As if this wasn’t enough, she has read more...

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