Stories Of Some Vibrant Women Who Touch Our Lives

Here are the Vibrant Woman stories; stories of love, courage and simplicity. Stories that talk about women who inspire us every day.

Here are the Vibrant Woman stories; stories of love, courage and simplicity. Stories that talk about women who inspire us every day. 

Vibrant Woman graphic for bloggersIt is March once again; the month when we are all reminded of some beautiful women in our lives.

This March, we asked Women’s Web readers to share stories of the vibrant women of their lives and we got to read some beautiful personal stories. Thanks to everyone who shared a part of your world with us!

Here, we have put together some of these amazing posts for all of you to read. Stories of women who inspire us every day.

My fiesty grandmother, Sharadha Bain – This is a story of a strong woman who lived life on her own terms. Sharadha talks about her fearless and fiesty grandmother in this post. As I read this post I felt a rush of respect for this beautiful lady and hoped to be like her as I age.

Five hidden blessings in adversity, Suchitra Mishra – This post by Suchitra has been inspired by her mother. The post forces us to look within and search for blessings that we often tend to take for granted. Her mother seems to be reaching out to us through Suchitra’s words to tell us that adversity can be a great teacher.

When a comment became a post, Surange Date – This post discusses the life of a girl born in 1919. Her life as a daughter, sister, student, wife, mother and grandmother. Her life that saw equality, education and enthusiasm. Surange sketches out her mother’s life so beautifully that it makes us go wow!

My mother, my hero, Amita Kamat – A heartfelt account of how a mother let go off her fears and stepped out of her comfort zone, only to make her daughter feel comfortable in life. I picked up a lesson or two as I read this post, and I am sure you will too.

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A women redefined, a mardaani, Heena Shah-Dhedhi – This post is about a survivor. A survivor of the society’s discrimination towards a childless woman. As I read this, I felt that we – as a society, still have a long way to go in accepting women in various situations. Read this, for we must shed a tear or two in knowing their pain and learn to accept with abundant love.

One woman can make difference, Carol Graham – This is yet another post that describes a vibrant woman. A story that makes you want to stop and savour the beauty of it for a few seconds. A story that makes you want to go beyond and be remembered even after you are gone.

International Women’s Day – Inspiring Change, Susy Que – This post is that of an unsung hero. In this post, Susy introduces Jayashri Raiji and her life, to her readers. We cannot help but wonder, how many more women were out there who we are unaware of. However, keeping aside our ignorance – let’s celebrate Jayashri Raiji this March.

Lady of light, Puspanjalee – As the name of the post suggests, this is indeed the story of a lady of light. She shone the torch of education all through the years she lived and made an impact in the society she lived in. She is yet another unsung song.

When survival is life, Rachna Parmar – In this post, Rachna talks about everyday women. Women who come everyday to make our homes a better place and leave behind their family to helps ours. Rachna’s words bring forth their struggle and her respect for them. She reminds you that you cannot forget them.

The magic of memories, Gauri Trivedi – This post by Gauri is heart-warming. It sets on our own journeys down the memory lane. It forces us to think about the people we haven’t kept in touch with and why. For Gauri, it was her grandma, for you and me it might be someone else.

Mysterious girl, Obsessivemom – This is yet again a beautiful post that revolves around the women who help us day in and day out. This post explains how people touch our lives in subtle ways and how they leave us with thoughts to ponder on.

Touching lives, Shailaja.V – This is an inspiring story of a woman who struggles to make ends meet, yet that does stop her from loving unconditionally. While we celebrate womanhood, let’s celebrate universal love too.

The whole nine yards to liberation, Hamsini – This post is a collation of stories of five generations of women in a family. Hamsini explians each of their lives with great detail, and it gives us a glimpse of each of their lives. We, almost every time, need to understand the big picture to know where we fit in and how exactly do we fit in.

The special trio, Nidhi Shendurnikar – This is a story of inspiration. A story of women who can welcome, stay and be there for one another. As they say, sometimes it doesn’t matter where you come from; all that matters is that you belong to where you are now.


About the Author


I am a gypsy, Gypsy at heart. I love change. I enjoy learning new lessons and unlearning old ones. I have been seeing the world through my eyes for 3-plus decades and I've read more...

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