When ‘Modern’ People Believe Matched Horoscopes Mean Happy Marriages

Can matching horoscopes guarantee us all perfect, happy marriages? Why do 'modern' people continue to put their trust in horoscopes?

Can matching horoscopes guarantee us all perfect, happy marriages? Why do educated people continue to put their trust in horoscopes?

“… They have the same nadi so I told them to do a blood test… That will remove doubts…”

The lady in a blue sari expertly navigated the cobbled track as she conversed with her friends, who nodded in acceptance.

These words stopped me in my track that morning. It was not so much the content but the person whose words I happened to overhear. Obviously, the group of ladies walking ahead of me were off to work and were discussing a prospective matrimonial alliance. I slowed down my pace wanting to overhear more. It’s not nice to eavesdrop but this was one conversation that I had to listen to.

The lady continued to explain how that her son had really liked this particular girl but both had the same nadi*. That could be a hurdle, for which blood tests was her solution; she had got blood tests done for another newly married couple in the family as well.

I wanted to hear more but the group dispersed as each one went on a different road, and that ended my tussle with my conscience!

The amazing thing about the above conversation was that the ladies were from the local basti** and were obviously not from the so-called ‘educated’ or ‘modern’ families that people are so fond of branding themselves as. Yet, I heard a very balanced rational view about a proposal for a would-be groom where their horoscopes did not match.

It’s been said that some aspects of horoscope matching are related to blood Rh-type matching, and hence rationalists suggest that the would-be bride and groom undergo blood tests instead. Obviously, this information had permeated to many strata of our society by whatever means – radio/TV programs, newspaper articles, street plays etc.

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Over the next few days, I spoke to other ladies who had supposedly less-exposure and literacy, and they seem to be convinced.

I have nothing against horoscopes. But, my best wishes to those who think that matched kundalis are the secret to a long, happy, prosperous married life! A lot of scientific research has proved that marital problems may be caused by various genetic or social or psychological factors, thus absolving the dreaded Mangal (Mars) or Shani (Saturn) or other planets for being marriage breakers.

Families proudly claim to be ‘educated’, ‘progressive’ and of a ‘liberal’ school of thought and yet take refuge in horoscopes to reject a beautiful, educated and cultured girl. India has sent the Mangalyaan out and scientists around the world have found the causes of various diseases and their remedies as well. There is a valid explanation for marriages not working out.

So who amongst us is backward or illiterate in such instances? Does being educated and literate equate to being informed and being rational in our thoughts and behaviour?

This is part of a message I received on WhatsApp:

“Education is not the name of any degree


Education is not the name of any certificate that can be shown to others as a Proof.


Education is the name of our Attitude, Actions, Language, Behaviour and Personality with others in Real life!”

What do you think?

*health compatibility factors as considered in Indian astrology

** usually, a low income neighbourhood)

Zodiac background image via Shutterstock


About the Author


Archana is a physiotherapist, fitness enthusiast, amateur field botanist and nurtures a few bonsai. Happiest on a road less traveled. read more...

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