9 Things To Remember While Pursuing A Hobby Business And Holding Your Job

Pursuing a hobby business while holding a job is engaging, and a good source of income. Here are tips to handle a hobby business smoothly.

Pursuing a hobby business while holding a job is engaging, and a good source of income. Here are tips to handle a hobby business smoothly.

A lot of women today aspire to pursue their passions in the form of home-based businesses along with holding full-time or part-time jobs. Be it making homemade chocolates or teaching a foreign language, here are some things to keep in mind when you set out to do so:

  1. Make sure your skills at work and the talent that you are banking on to make some extra money are not the same.  So long as your interests don’t clash, it is okay to pursue a hobby business. Better still, read your office policy documents or have a word with your HR about it.
  2. As a rule, don’t use office resources for your personal business. As much as you may be tempted to print fliers of your next workshop using the colour printer at work, resist the temptation. Good work ethics go a long way.
  3. Focus. You are using whatever little time you get from your job to make this business survive. Unnecessary distractions or frequent context-switching may get you worked up.
  4. A little bit of time management done ahead of time reaps great benefits. e.g. You can dedicate your commuting  time for phone calls with clients and vendors. Or write that article while waiting your turn at the dentist.
  5. Use a separate bank account to track expenses and revenue coming from your side-business. Mixing it up with your salary account makes it difficult to track.
  6. Just like a bank account, having a separate email ID and phone number gives your business a professional edge.
  7. Keep a small diary handy to jot down that brainwave you most often get when you are chasing a deadline at work. It is good to go back to it when you are free and looking for inspiration than to have lost it.
  8. Ask for help when required, or outsource what you can. e.g. If you have a handmade jewellery business, you can ask a photographer friend to click pictures for you.
  9. Unwind. Managing many fronts together can be overwhelming. Take some time out with family and friends. Exercise. Go for a swim.  A fresh mind always brings out the best!

Lastly, make sure you are having fun all along. That is an important factor in making your business survive.

Pic credit: Cakegirl (Used under a CC license)


About the Author

Gunjan Parulkar

Part time maker of handmade jewelry. Full time software professional. Guilt ridden mother. Erstwhile swimmer. Compulsive DIY-er. Sea food lover. Oh, It's a long list .... read more...

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