Survey: Career Aspirations Of Young Women in India

Take the Women's Web - Career Builder survey on career aspirations of young women in India.

A recent study by the World Bank says that 90% of women aspire to work, and yet another study reported that the millions of Indian women entering the workforce today will increase the GDP of India by 12% by 2015 and 25% by 2025.

As more and more Indian women enter the workforce, Women’s Web with well-known online jobs site Career Builder is conducting a survey to understand the ambitions, expectations and challenges of young women just embarking on their careers in India.

We request you to participate in this survey, the results of which would be very useful and will be freely shared on the Women’s Web website. [CLICK HERE to take the survey].
Career Aspirations of young women in IndiaTo be a respondent on this survey, you must:
– Be at least 18 years old and at most 26 years old
– Have no formal work experience (if you are involved with projects/internships, you can participate)
– Be living in India
– Not be married at present

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes of your time. Do pass on this link, Career Aspirations of Young Women in India Survey along to your women friends – we would love to get as many responses as possible. Thank you.


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Women's Web

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