Does A Drop Maketh The Sea?

Teaching your child honesty, while living in a corrupt world, is a scary proposition

Guest Blogger Meera Srikant is a professional freelance writer and manuscript editor, having contributed for various newspapers, for business magazine The Smart CEO and with one published novel, Written in the Stars, to her credit. She blogs regularly at in English, and in Tamil. 

A man explained to his six-year-old, cricket-crazy son about match fixing. “I will never take money when I play,” the boy declared and immediately became shy at such a bold declaration that evoked pride in the father’s eyes.

But the mother, standing near, felt her heart trembling with fear. The price of honesty today is death. The newspapers are full of it. A brave, honest person who stands up to the corrupt is either killed, or transferred or his life made hell. People around only feel pity for the honest man. They themselves don’t believe in solidarity or standing by the honest person. Most have many important tasks and so long as the problem is not in their backyard, where is the need?

And then, who knows if the honest man is really honest or has an agenda of his own? You may stick your neck out, only to find him forging a deal for his benefit! And then, why should one sacrifice his/her life and peace of the family for something someone else believes in?

In such an age, when bravery and honesty are virtues only for the others, which mother will put the mark of victory and send her son to the battlefield? Wouldn’t she also want the child to grow up healthy and lead a life of luxury? Even if the choice is not easy and her heart rebels? Can one drop make the sea? Can one mouse move the mountain?.

And yet, if all such mothers come together, follow their hearts, how many such warriors will come out in the world! To fight corruption, to fight evil, to stand up for their convictions! Then, will we need anyone else to tell us what is right and wrong? Doesn’t our heart tell it to us already?



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Guest Blogger

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