Women’s Web: Pick Of The Week

This edition of the Women's Web Pick Of The Week is a celebration of women's courage and conviction

Rejecting the ‘ideal’ man, reporting from a war zone, re-creating menstrual solutions – all of these take guts. This edition of our weekly posts is a celebration of courage. And conviction.

A township on the Western Ghats runs purely on girl power.

“His rejection of Sita is almost universally condemned while her rejection of him is held up as an example of supreme dignity. By that act she emerges triumphant and supreme, she leaves a permanent stigma on Ram’s name.” – This version of Sita forsakes the hapless-victim-of-marital-abuse archetype to inspire emulation. (Hat Tip: An old post of IHM)

For introducing low-cost sanitary napkins, this gentleman deserves a powerful round of applause. (video)

“How do I cope with being on the fringes of being an Indian and an alien in a country that refuses to embrace me and my brethren on one hand and accuses me of being the great betrayer of a community that carries the angst of being discarded? – Chitra Ahanthem’s angst voices the collective experience of the North-east people in India.

“The typical adolescent search for independence and individuality while still seeking support and reassurance from her parents is beautifully portrayed in her confessions to her diary.” – A neat review of ‘Mayil Will Not Be Quiet’, teen fiction from the house of Tulika.

Misguided parenting, body image, childhood obesity – there are more issues than one here.

“Though my mother died when I was very young, there is one thing I learnt from her early on. In life, you can only be true to yourself. The rest be damned.” – A spunky newsmaker pays tribute to her iconic mother.

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April being the CSAA month, there couldn’t be a more relevant post that asks, ““Why do we take all the pains to keep a pervert abuser masked? Why do we put the onus on ourselves to be alert and safe instead?”

Happy Reading!


About the Author

Priya Mani

New mommy on the block. Bookworm, nature-lover and wayfarer in the suburbs of imagination. Fascinated by the power of the written word. And the workings of the human mind. read more...

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