Were you really enough?

It wasn’t you that was enough, but it was only you that I thought was enough!!

I wasn’t prepared for the highs and lows, I thought you were the bulb that let me glow.

With my energies low I was finding ways to rise up and show.

I wasn’t meant to grow here, this wasn’t my place, because you gave me the strength, I grew in the most hardest space.

I wasn’t ready I don’t know if I ever will be? No one is!

Storms come and go by sudden, people come into your life and leave by sudden. But there are some who stay, who stay when you don’t want them too.

These are the rarest of a kind. And you I know were and will always be enough, another I won’t be able to find.

I know I’m depending upon you for the smallest of things I do, and that’s absolutely true.

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Today I’m broken, I’m not dead, I know I have the chances to start over again.

But, it was only you that I thought was enough!!


About the Author

V Rashmi Rao

V Rashmi Rao is a Creative Content Writer and Digital Marketing expert who excels at creating exceptional content across various platforms both Print and Digital. 12+ years in the industry, she has gained immense knowledge read more...

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