Parents let your child explore careers other than Doctors & Engineers

An appeal to all Indian parents and Indian origin parents living abroad.

There are careers other than Doctors and Engineers. If your child is interested in interior decorating, let them explore. If your child wants to be a journalist, let them explore. If your child wants to a dancer or singer guide them and show your support.

A creative mind is hard to come by. Don’t destroy that creativity by telling them that you won’t get paid good. Only if you are Doctor or an Engineer you can survive and there is nothing worse than that. Not all Doctors and Engineers live a lavish life. They might earn more but they might have issues they are dealing with mentally. Career and passion goes together. Please listen to your children and what they want to do.

An important lesson here is don’t fall a victim to peer pressure. Don’t listen to other parents criticism that you are not putting them in tons of after school activities and enrolling them in coaching classes while they are in elementary to prep for high school! Let them enjoy their childhood. Encourage what they like and focus on that skill or subject. Just because a friend’ s kid or a cousin’s kid is in Medical college or IT field, it is does not mean your kid needs to be one.

Every kid is unique and special. Please stop comparing your child with other kids. Please don’t bring down their confidence and self esteem. Also don’t be gender specific in choosing careers or extra curricular activities. Kids can do what they want to do.  Don’t restrict them. Put your trust in them. Read books with them, take them out to Museums, explore art & nature, attend various classical events, go explore new cities, towns and let them learn by observing different people and learn more about the world.

Spread their wings and let them fly freely! Happy Parenting. Wishing you all the very best!



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